Marketing Strategies to Put Yourself Out of Business

Written by Charlie Cook

Want to learn how to lose a billion dollars?

Just followrepparttar marketing strategies used by GM, Ford and Daimler Chrysler. Yes, some ofrepparttar 135104 largest corporations inrepparttar 135105 world are missing some basic tenants of marketing and it's worth taking a look at what they're doing wrong so you don't makerepparttar 135106 same mistakes. You don't wantrepparttar 135107 following headline written about your company.

"GM Hits Billion Dollar pot hole" - Miami Herald "GM shares fell to a 12 year low." - New York Times

What are some ofrepparttar 135108 most glaring mistakes a handful of car companies are making?

1. Discount Pricing GM and Ford offer free loans and rebates worth thousands of dollars to prompt people to buy their vehicles. Good idea?

When you need to resort to bribing people to buy your products or services, it's a sign that something is terribly wrong. The idea is to provide value, help your prospects understandrepparttar 135109 perceived value and charge enough to make a reasonable profit. When you start discounting your product as a means to get people to buy it you've entered an endless downward cycle.

The next time a prospect buys, they'll want an even larger discount and there will always be somebody who will undercut you on price. Eventually you'll end up like GM, losing lots, maybe not billions, but enough to threatenrepparttar 135110 life of your business.

Your Platform...and Why it Can Make or Break Your Business

Written by Suzanne Falter-Barns

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take your work intorepparttar world and share it with others. But unless you can reach those all-important others, your mission is bound to be a dud.

But fear not. That’s why I’ve created this website and my Get Known Now Program; because after nearly ten years of building my own platform, I truly see it as one ofrepparttar 135047 most critical things anyone who consults, coaches, writes, speaks or runs a small business can do.

Simply put, your platform is your reach inrepparttar 135048 world; it’srepparttar 135049 degree to which your name is known and your work is recognized. It’s your following. It’s your buzz. And it happens to berepparttar 135050 single most important factor that literary agents, radio bookers, news directors, T.V. producers, publishers, editors, magazine people, and even big-time publicists use when determining whether or not to work with you. More than one literary agent and editor in major publishing has told me they seldom consider proposals for books from writers with no platform.

Why? There are several answers, depending on whom you ask. Book industry types need authors with platform becauserepparttar 135051 publishing houses no longer have marketing budget to sell books besides those atrepparttar 135052 top of their lists. That means they rely on unpaid publicity to sell books, i.e. airtime on radio and TV, and write ups in newspapers, magazines and websites.

Meanwhile, radio and print media folks are simply looking forrepparttar 135053 next big thing – or trying to anticipate trends. So if they run across an expert with a platform that is quickly brewing, they’re interested. Buzz begets buzz. In addition, TV and other major media bookers need to know thatrepparttar 135054 guest they trot out in front of millions is a proven entity, so they tend to really check you out in advance. They want you to have a website, media clips, a great press kit, a video reel. Thus your platform works as a kind of public pre-approval which reassures media bookers. And all of these folks have less time to do more, likerepparttar 135055 rest of us, so they need everything they’re offered to be laser-like in it’s intensity and clarity, easy to access, and loaded with reasons why. A big platform certainly helps getrepparttar 135056 point across faster that you’re someone they should feature.

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