Marketing On The Cheap: Become a Joiner

Written by Floyd Snyder

Recently I wrote an article onrepparttar benefits of joining your local Chamber of Commerce as a way of getting exposure for your business. See "Marketing onrepparttar 119848 Cheap: Join The What?" at this source or at The Chamber of Commerce is or should berepparttar 119849 number one organization in your area promoting business. Your involvement will help them indirectly help your business while giving you direct exposure to a large and viable market.

Now let’s look at other organizations you, your business and, of course, your community can benefit from by your involvement, but not in that order.

Service Clubs: There are three major service clubs that come to mind, and I’m sure you are familiar with them to some degree already: Rotary International, Kiwanis International and Lions International.

However, don’t just run off and joinrepparttar 119850 largest club in your area just because it’srepparttar 119851 one that getsrepparttar 119852 most media coverage. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t be joining a service club at all forrepparttar 119853 sole purposes of promoting your business. You should be joining because it isrepparttar 119854 right thing to do. The benefits, and there will be benefits, will come indirectly.

Each ofrepparttar 119855 above mentioned organizations have a main charity or area of interest as a national or worldwide project. Lions International for example is recognized worldwide for their service torepparttar 119856 blind and visually impaired. Kiwanis’ motto is "Servingrepparttar 119857 Children ofrepparttar 119858 World", and Rotary has had as a long-term goal ofrepparttar 119859 worldwide eradication of polio. Of course, all these organizations are many years old and have branched out into a number of other humanitarian efforts as well. Beyondrepparttar 119860 national organization’s each local club usually has their own projects and objectives.

Fraternal Organizations: Now that you have joinedrepparttar 119861 Chamber of Commerce and are looking at service clubs, you may also want to consider Fraternal Organizations. The first three that come to mind are: The Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, Moose International and Fraternal Order of Eagles. Like service clubs, all three of these organizations are national or international with local clubs. However, also like service clubs, there may me others or an independent fraternal organization in your area that is more suited for you and your interests.

Years ago I joined a new Rotary club that just started up in our community. They were, and still are, a great group of people. Their main efforts onrepparttar 119862 local front was dealing with youth orientated projects, helping to build ball parks, sponsoring scholarships and a few other very worthwhile causes, but no causes I was passionate about. A friend of mine was involved with a group of people that were trying to start a local organization to deal directly with funding anti-drug programs in local schools. My wife being a teacher inrepparttar 119863 local district, made that seem like a much better place for me to put my efforts. We went on and founded a new Lions Club in which I became a founding officer, a Past President, Lion ofrepparttar 119864 Year and recipient of a national award form Lions International in recognition of my efforts inrepparttar 119865 fight against drugs. This only happened because I choserepparttar 119866 right organization with which to get involved.

How To Make Money With Your Own Profitable Blog...Without Doing Any Work--Ever!

Written by Marketing Basics

The above headline is absolutely true. If you've been looking for a way to make money with your own Internet business, without doing any ofrepparttar work that goes along with it, please continue reading!

Sounds too good to be true, right? There must be a catch!

You're absolutely right, there is a catch! No one is going to just hand you a fully functional blog that's all set up and ready to make money--for free.

No way! You're going to have to pay for it! But we'll get torepparttar 119847 cost later on.

Right now, we want to explain to you what a blog is and why you should have one yourself:

In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write content on an ongoing basis. As you add content to your blog, new posts are automatically positioned on top of previous posts, so your visitors can see "what's new." Then they can comment on it or link to it or e-mail you if they choose to do so.

A blog can be a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts.

Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

A blog is often a combination of what's happening in someone's personal and business life and what is happening onrepparttar 119848 web--a kind of high-tech, hybrid diary/guide site--and there are seemingly as many unique types of blogs as there are people.

Although, you've probably only recently started hearing about blogs, individuals actually maintained blogs long beforerepparttar 119849 term was coined or became popular--butrepparttar 119850 trend gained momentum withrepparttar 119851 introduction of automated published systems, most notably Google's Blogger at

Thousands of individuals use services such as Blogger to simplify and acceleraterepparttar 119852 publishing process.

Blogs are also called web logs or weblogs. However,repparttar 119853 name "blog" is less confusing, because "web log" can also mean a server's log files.

So, how does having a blog benefit you?

After copywriting,repparttar 119854 single most important element to owning an Internet business, without a doubt, isrepparttar 119855 ability to generate targeted traffic.

That's because, after copywriting,repparttar 119856 single most important ingredient of any commercial website is.... a hungry audience with money to spend.

Sure, you could spend money putting up an ordinary website, submitting it to allrepparttar 119857 search engines, and promoting it like crazy -- but allrepparttar 119858 traffic inrepparttar 119859 world isn't going to do you much good if your web visitors click away without buying anything and never come back.

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