Manifesting Basics Written by Judi Singleton
Since I was in my 30's I have been working with conscious manifestation. I understood long before I ever heard of things like; quantum physics, or law of attraction, that I manifested according to my thoughts. When I was in High School I heard this loud and clear in my Catholic School that thinking thing was just like doing them. I read in my Grandma's Unity books all about manifesting what I thought. Then later as I went to Unity Church they taught me these laws. So you see this is not "New Age." You do manifest everything in your life. You always have manifested everything in your life. So let's take steps to manifesting apart so that we can look at process of manifestation, and in doing so be a deliberate creator. How do we create our reality? We create our reality through thoughts and feelings. Thoughts Many of our thoughts are unconscious. This is Higher Powers way of not muddling up this now. Since time is not real and we are always in now; if all nows we ever experienced were present in this now; we would have to much input and become overwhelmed. So much of our life is stored in unconscious. Now a lot of this data we stored when we were really young. Lots of it was stored before we were five years old. So lots of data there is distorted from a five year olds perspective. My Mother had this saying, "Don't you ever raise your hand to me." I must of heard this over and over before I was five years old. I got idea that I had some kind of power in my hands that would harm. So even when I went to school I would not raise my hand. This is an example of how subsconious thoughts might be distorted. I bring this up because when we are bringing things from subconsious to light we have to take this in consideration. Memories can be very distorted. Things that did happen sometimes are all lumped together and they did not happen at same time but in our memory they did. Our subconscious just stores data much like a big computer for future use. Like a computer some of this data gets corrupted. So when we declutter unconscious we might chose to check memories out with someone else that was there. We might ask someone how old we were when such and such happened to check out if just our age had something to do with how we remember it. Anyway lots of postive and lots of negative things got stored. What we want to deal with today is replacing all negative with positive. Now if I go back to my Catholic school and Unity learning. They told me way back then think postive, visualize in a postive manner, only read things that are positive, only watch positive TV or movies. Well they did have TV and movies back then. Why did they tell me that because even then they only wanted me to store positive because then I would think positive things and create a positive world. Since everything that went into my computer called my subsconscious was not positive. Plus we are all hooked into something called "mass consciousness" or Jung called it collective unconscious then every thought we have is no necessarily our own. It is influenced by what others have thought about that particular thing. So anyway how do we get most positive thoughts in our unconscious mind. We can use affirmations and couple them with visualization. Now some of you are going to say wow affirmations don't work they are boring. But let's think of a few basic things here: 1. It took years to fill up our subsconscious with negative thoughts, our thoughts are influenced by our age that thought first was experienced, and we all are connected to mass consciousness so nothing is going to change overnight by saying a few postive words. 2. When we say affirmations we need to use presence tense. The subsconscious mind does not know difference between nows because it does not store things in a time sequence. So When we say an affirmation we always use presence tense. Example I am now a millionaire. Not Next year I will be a millionaire 3.e only positive terms example I eat all I want and all I eat turns to energy Not I do not overeat All subsconsious hears in above statement is overeat so what do you do you overeat. Feelings What we think creates how we feel. So by thinking joyful, exciting, peaceful, loving thoughts we create joy, excitment, peace and love. When we think anxiously, fearfully, we are worried we create fear, anxiety and worry. Now this is all same energy we decide how to think with it. No one thinks in your head but you. You can also decide whether to think joy or fear. So get excited sing your affirmation. "I am a wonderful, loving, joyful person." sing it in shower, sing it in car on way to work. Remember a time in your life when you were really joyful. Now your subconsious does not recognise different nows. So bring that joyful time into this now. Think about a special place you went with a special person, think how happy you were. This will bring your vibration up and help your thoughts or affirmations to manifest.
| | Be DrivenWritten by Debbie O'Meara
I’m shopping for a new car (yes, that brings up all kinds of attraction questions, but I’ll leave that for another day!) I’ve owned my current car for more than ten years now. When I first test-drove it, I hadn’t heard of that particular model. But once I’d looked at it, I started seeing it all over place. Has that ever happened to you?When I wasn’t in car-buying mentality, my mind wasn’t picking up on different models. They didn’t enter my consciousness. Then I tuned into it, and boom! they were everywhere. Where did they come from all of a sudden? The obvious answer is that they were always there. They didn’t appear on freeway just because I was ready. But they appeared to me because I was ready. I had seen that particular make and model of car before. But there are cars everywhere. I was aware of it, but I hadn’t focused on it till I was considering one for myself. There’s always something to think about, something to occupy my thoughts. My mind races in I-don’t-know-how-many different directions. I can have a lot of things going on at once. But I can’t focus on all of them. I can be aware of them, but I can’t focus on them. Charles Fillmore understood this when he wrote in his book Prosperity: --…there is a spiritual law that brings into manifestation thoughts we focus on, a divine universal law of mind activity that never fails. (Lesson Four: “Humanity, Inlet and Outlet of Divine Mind.”) That’s really crux of Law of Attraction, isn’t it? Part of it is making sure you’re filling your mind with right thoughts, thoughts of abundance rather than lack. But what I read tells me we need to go a step beyond that. We need to get clear on what we want, clearer better, and focus on it. Ask for it specifically. That’s how we’ll get message across. Once we focus on what we want, once we see it mentally, we see it physically. And when we’ve figured out exactly what we want, we give universe chance to find it for us.