Managing Monsters in Meetings - Part 2, Multiple Conversations

Written by Steve Kaye

Side conversations ruin meetings by destroying focus and fragmenting participation.

Approach 1: Ask for cooperation

Start by asking everyone to cooperate. Look atrepparttar middle ofrepparttar 135551 group (instead of atrepparttar 135552 talker) and say:

"Excuse me (pause to gain everyone's attention). I know all of your ideas are important. So, please let's have one speaker at a time."

"Excuse me. I'm having difficulty hearing what [contributing participant] is saying."

"There seems to be a great deal of interest for this issue. Could we have just one speaker at a time?"

These statements diplomatically acknowledge that a side conversation is occurring without namingrepparttar 135553 participants or putting them onrepparttar 135554 spot. Hostile statements, such as: "Hey you! Stop that!" will create hard feelings that undermine your effectiveness as a leader.

Approach 2: Changerepparttar 135555 process

If side conversations continue, changerepparttar 135556 rules to make cooperation more convenient. For example, you could use a speaking prop.

Managing Monsters in Meetings - Part 5, Dominant Participants

Written by Steve Kaye

While dominant participants contribute significantly torepparttar success of a meeting, they can also overwhelm, intimidate, and exclude others. Thus, you want to control their energy without losing their support.

Approach 1: Ask others to contribute

Asking quiet participants to contribute indirectly moderatesrepparttar 135550 more dominant participants. Say:

"Before we continue, I want to hear fromrepparttar 135551 rest ofrepparttar 135552 group."

"This is great. And I wonder what else we could do." (Look atrepparttar 135553 quiet participants when you say this.)

Approach 2: Changerepparttar 135554 process

A balanced dialogue equalizes participation and sequential participation (a round robin) prevents anyone from dominatingrepparttar 135555 discussion.

Approach 3: Include them inrepparttar 135556 process

Ask dominant participants for their support duringrepparttar 135557 meeting. Meet withrepparttar 135558 person privately and say:

"I need your help with something. It's clear to me that you know a great deal about this issue and have many good ideas. I also want to hear what other people inrepparttar 135559 meeting have to say. So, I wonder if you could hold back a little, to let others contribute."

You can also retain control by giving away minor tasks. For example, dominant participants make excellent helpers. They can distribute materials, run errands, serve as scribes, deliver messages, post chart papers, run demonstration units, operate projectors, change overhead transparencies, act as greeters, and in general perform any logistical task related torepparttar 135560 meeting.

Approach 4: Create barriers

Simply move away fromrepparttar 135561 more aggressive participants and make less eye contact. If you are unable to see them, you are unable to recognize them asrepparttar 135562 next speaker.

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