Management Skills: Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace

Written by Dina Giolitto,

Most people just want to be appreciated. If you're a manager, that's something to seriously think about as you setrepparttar tone for maximum productivity.

Ever work for someone who preferred a 'bullying and intimidation' managerial style? This type of bullying doesn't involve spitballs and shiners inrepparttar 142207 schoolyard, but it might as well because it producesrepparttar 142208 same feelings of inferiority, worthlessness and mistrust among peers. It turns workers disloyal, dishonest, and downright disgusted. The bullying managerial style is way out of fashion, and for a reason: it doesn't work! What DOES work? Positive reinforcement. Why? When you reward your workers, they perform better.

Ever notice how every big company works in 'teams' these days? The notion ofrepparttar 142209 corporate team model was dreamed up by someone who realized that all folks really want is to be appreciated for their talent and ability. If you team up four or five well-selected people, each with a unique, highly-developed skill; cheer them on and reward them for all their accomplishments... what you're going to get is some jacked-up productivity and a stellar team that will follow you torepparttar 142210 ends ofrepparttar 142211 earth.

What are some ways to let your team members know how much they're valued; and in doing so, spur them on to success?

Accentuaterepparttar 142212 positive. Is there a way that you can put a positive spin on a negative criticism? As a manager, this is such an important skill. Let's sayrepparttar 142213 writer you recently brought on board isn't 'catching on' torepparttar 142214 company's prescribed way of creating headlines. You may feel frustrated and tempted to chastise this person, but what will a thoughtless reprimand do for her productivity inrepparttar 142215 long run? Instead, soften your critique and infuse it with a positive message, maybe something like, "You did a great job catching all of those typos but I'd love for you to give me a couple more headline options before we hand this in." Tread lightly on those fragile young egos; pride is such a delicate thing!

Openrepparttar 142216 lines of communication. As a manager, you're busy dealing with people onrepparttar 142217 outside, which means you may not always be aware of what goes on behindrepparttar 142218 scenes. Encourage group discussions where your workers can air their grievances. When there's a conflict, let your employees hash it out while you act asrepparttar 142219 calm and rational mediator. Sometimes all it takes is a few words hittingrepparttar 142220 air to clear up a misunderstanding. If you give your people a little more control andrepparttar 142221 benefit ofrepparttar 142222 doubt, they'll feel appreciated, depended on, and willing to go that extra mile.

Always play fair. A biased judge can't make objective decisions forrepparttar 142223 good ofrepparttar 142224 group. You may feel more personally connected to one team member over another, but how is that relevant torepparttar 142225 job at hand? It isn't! Just because you were chumming around onrepparttar 142226 golf course with Chad last week doesn't mean his poor performance should go unnoticed at review time. And even though Nerdy Nancy says things at lunch that make you cringe, it doesn't give yourepparttar 142227 right to criticize her onrepparttar 142228 job when she's doing everything correctly. If you show favoritism, your workers WILL notice... and this will make them feel EXTREMELY unappreciated. So play fair, coach!

Benefiting from Strategic Thinking

Written by Stephanie Tuia

I recently took an organizational behavior class where my professor conducted a strategic thinking exercise in which groups of students were to be a part of a scholarship committee. The purpose of our committee was to use strategic thinking on allocating a scholarship budget to reward several incoming freshmen to our university. I, along with some classmates represented freshmen candidates who would receiverepparttar scholarship.

These candidates all had different strengths that would live up torepparttar 142172 standards and reputation ofrepparttar 142173 university. For example, my candidate was a high school senior who would not be able to attend college without a scholarship. Her strength was found through music and should she receive a scholarship torepparttar 142174 university, she would contribute torepparttar 142175 school’s music program. Another candidate was a gifted athlete who would be an asset torepparttar 142176 school’s basketball team. A third candidate was an intellect who would thrive inrepparttar 142177 academic realm. Moreover, my argument on why my candidate deservedrepparttar 142178 scholarship was among competing arguments from classmates who wantedrepparttar 142179 same for their candidates.

We had a few options to consider:

  • Are some candidates more in need of funding than others?
  • Do some candidates deserve more funding than others?
  • Should we evenly distributerepparttar 142180 scholarship fund so that everyone benefits?
  • Should we give all scholarship money torepparttar 142181 best-rounded candidate who would makerepparttar 142182 biggest impact onrepparttar 142183 school’s reputation?

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