As a single male trying to enter into
lifestyle successfully, I am sure you have discovered that this may be no small task for you.First, you must get yourself recognized. I suggest placing a personal ad on an adult lifestyle site. Placing an ad in newspapers or magazines could possibly get you unwanted replied from unwanted people who may not even be lifestyle minded. Also, once your ad is there it's there and becomes outdated. I strongly suggest a lifestyle site.
How you place your ad and it's contents is extremely important.
Stating that you have an unusually huge private part that hangs to your knees and that you work it like a jack hammer is not what impresses serious swinging couples.
Prospective partners want to know about you. Your hobbies and what you like to do for fun outside of
Always be honest in your ad. Never state that you are single if in fact you are married and swinging without your spouse.
A couple may be willing to look past
fact that you are swinging without your spouse,
But, once they realize that you have lied to them, they will lose all interest in you.
Trust and honesty are very important!
Most swinger clubs allow single men only one night a week if they are allowed at all.
I do not advise taking a hired escort!