Making Your Online Testimonials More Believable

Written by Dan Brown

Here's ten POWERFUL ideas to use as a guide when dealing with testimonials.

1. PICTURES Ask people if they would e-mail a picture with their testimonial. If they don't have one scanned you could have them send their picture by mail and you could scan it. This technique will give your testimonials more credibility.

2. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Most online testimonials you see have text signatures. You could have people mail their written signature, scan it, and upload it with their testimonial. People will feelrepparttar testimonial is more official.

3. ONLINE AUDIO You could record people's testimonials with a mini tape recorder overrepparttar 140459 phone, on your answering machine, or voice mail. Then you could convertrepparttar 140460 recording into a online audio file and upload it to your web site. You can find more information about converting audio recording's by typing "real audio" at a search engine.

4. POSTCARDS Have people mail you their testimonial on a postcard, scan it and upload it to your web site. This will give people proof thatrepparttar 140461 testimonial isn't fake because it will have a post mark on it.

5. PROFILES Ask people to include a profile of themselves with their testimonial. You could just have them answer some questions like age, occupation, hobbies, favorite quote, etc. This will make your testimonials more entertaining to read.

Motivation ABC’s: Tune Up Your Booth Staff

Written by Susan Friedmann

Are your sales people burnt out? You may want to check. Have they clocked too many twelve hour days? Do they have enough frequent flier miles to charter a jet to Mars? Are their faces permanently skewed into perpetual smiles from chatting with hundreds of thousands of trade show attendees? Answer yes to any one of these questions – or even chuckle at a situation a little too close to home – and you’ve got a problem. Working a trade show is hard. Keeping your team motivated can be even harder, especially during a busy exhibit season. However, it is vitally important that your sales team is not only atrepparttar show, but excited about being there. Enthusiasm is contagious – and absolutely central in creating positive word of mouth about your products and services. When your sales staff are fired up and genuinely motivated to share what they know about your products withrepparttar 140458 buying public, they are more effective salespeople. Luckily, creating this enthusiasm is as easy as ABC! Addressrepparttar 140459 Individual Selectingrepparttar 140460 proper people for your booth staff isrepparttar 140461 first step toward a great show. These people are your company’s ambassadors. Pick employees who are helpful, courteous, and professional. Make sure they have excellent product knowledge and customer service skills. They must also have a positive attitude about workingrepparttar 140462 trade show. Attitude is everything – and it manifests on an individual level. Walk around a trade show floor, and studyrepparttar 140463 people staffing a number of booths. Body language alone will show you which employees don’t want to be there. Simmering resentment plays out in tense posture, negative facial expressions, and sour attitudes – none of which help generate sales. Why might your staff be averse to attendingrepparttar 140464 show? It may come down to cold, hard cash. Sales staff frequently feel that working a trade show interferes with their normal selling routine. Commission-based employees may actually be losing money by attendingrepparttar 140465 show. Address these concerns proactively, resolving scheduling and compensation issues so your staff are free to concentrate onrepparttar 140466 show. Give each staff member an individual goal. This could be generating a number of quality leads, a target number of new contacts, or something similar. Having a goal increases accountability, forces unproductive habits out ofrepparttar 140467 picture, increases productivity, and builds motivation. Bring Inrepparttar 140468 Brass Do whatever it takes to involve your management team in trade show activities. You may have to pry them out of their corner offices, but it’ll be worth it. Having upper management participating in training programs, pre & post show activities, andrepparttar 140469 actual show validatesrepparttar 140470 trade show’s worth. It also generates an in-house enthusiasm which will carry over ontorepparttar 140471 sales floor.

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