Making Science Less Abstract for Preschoolers

Written by Nicole Brekelbaum

A simple experiment that can help preschoolers discover and enjoyrepparttar wonders of science.

Most childcare businesses supervise children for more than three hours a day, five days a week. Such long hours in care can have a serious impact on a child’s growth and development. Businesses that offer educational curriculums help children grow academically and help prepare them for school. Science plays an important role inrepparttar 109194 learning process and should also be included as part ofrepparttar 109195 curriculum. Science encourages preschoolers to ask questions, make predictions, and find answers to some fascinating questions. Here is an interesting experiment that can help teach science to preschoolers. We came across ideas for this experiment on PBS Kids Website ( We tried it ourselves, at Young Achievers Inc., and it was an extreme success.

First, we had circle time withrepparttar 109196 kids and recited some classic nursery rhymes. One ofrepparttar 109197 nursery rhymes wasrepparttar 109198 age-old rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. After singing in our circle we askedrepparttar 109199 kids some questions about Little Miss Muffet. We discovered that they knew what Little Miss Muffet sat on, what she ate, and what frightened her. We then posed a thought-provoking question torepparttar 109200 preschoolers. “Canrepparttar 109201 curds be separated from Miss Muffet’s curds and whey?” The children responded with interesting answers. Their answers became our scientific hypotheses. We documented all responses in large text on our chalkboard so thatrepparttar 109202 children can see and value their predictions. We then headed torepparttar 109203 kitchen "laboratory" to see whose prediction was true.

We hadrepparttar 109204 kids sit atrepparttar 109205 table and measurerepparttar 109206 milk

Homework Doesn’t Have to Be a Battle of Wills

Written by Barbara Snyder M.A. Education

Homework. It doesn’t have to be a daily battle of wills between child and parent. There are several strategies and elements that a parent can use to maximize an opportunity to support a child’s education and to massagerepparttar parent/child bond. Forrepparttar 109193 parent, it is a way to understand what is going on at school and an opportunity for communication. Simply put, a parent hasrepparttar 109194 ability to guide a child to positive feelings about education and torepparttar 109195 rewards of good efforts.

Teachers need to have parents on their side, not forrepparttar 109196 teacher’s benefit, but forrepparttar 109197 child’s. When a parent gets involved and stays involved on a routine basis, this catapultsrepparttar 109198 child to another level. A parent who reads to a child, models life-long learning, participate in school events and monitors homework time is doing his or her job of setting uprepparttar 109199 child for success. The Five Essential Elements of Helping Your Child with Homework are: knowingrepparttar 109200 homework basics andrepparttar 109201 whys; knowing how to set up a proper environment; knowing how to monitor a child’s work; knowing how to providerepparttar 109202 appropriate guidance; and knowing how to communicate with your child’s teacher.

Essential Element # 1 - Homework Basics

Getting to knowrepparttar 109203 basics of homework,repparttar 109204 ins and outs ofrepparttar 109205 process, is critical. Think of it as a perfect platform for a parent to be involved, in a very meaningful way, in a child’s education. Think of it as one ofrepparttar 109206 greatest challenges that a parent can ever face. Finally, think of it as an everyday routine that needs to be a primary function of family life.

Think aboutrepparttar 109207 reasons for homework to begin with. This is ammunition for a parent when responding torepparttar 109208 typical child question, "Why do I have to do homework?" Homework helpsrepparttar 109209 child dorepparttar 109210 following things: reviews previous learning; provides opportunity to practice; readiesrepparttar 109211 child forrepparttar 109212 next lesson; expands reference skills usingrepparttar 109213 library and internet; supplements and extends learning; provides opportunities for exploring subjects in more depth; helpsrepparttar 109214 child become an independent worker; and allows for exploring individual interests. Keeping these lofty goals in mind will help a parent whenrepparttar 109215 child starts to balk from time to time. Patience and perseverance isrepparttar 109216 mental state that parents must adopt. Staying in a positive mode, along what might prove to be a bumpy road, isrepparttar 109217 preferred approach.

Essential Element # 2 - A Proper Homework Environment

If a child believes that a parent cares and that there is a good reason to complete assignments,repparttar 109218 child will value education andrepparttar 109219 routine of homework. A child needs to see that homework is as essential to education as training is to an athlete.

There are several considerations, which provide a great deal of flexibility, when setting up a good homework environment for a child. A parent should work with a child to make some of these decisions together. Research shows thatrepparttar 109220 following areas need to be addressed: schedule a priority time, which may need to flex if there are dance lessons, sports teams, etc.; choose a specific place that is comfortable and works forrepparttar 109221 family; minimize distractors, such as TV; organize school supplies and materials; be a good role model by reading, playing educational games, and other appropriate activities; and show interest in whatrepparttar 109222 child is working on.

Essential Element # 3 - Monitoringrepparttar 109223 Homework Routine

How closely a parent should monitorrepparttar 109224 homework time will vary from child to child. Those who do not work well independently will, of course, need intensified monitoring. Teachers may have varying views onrepparttar 109225 parent’s monitoring role. It is imperative that a parent talk withrepparttar 109226 child’s teacher to get an understand ofrepparttar 109227 best way to supportrepparttar 109228 child at home. A "never, never rule" is that you never do your child’s homework.

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