Making Press Releases Work - Creating News Where None Existed

Written by Diane Hughes

Aren't you tired of hearing how extremely easy it is to get free publicity? Have you triedrepparttar suggestions that most public relations "gurus" give you? The hard, cold truth ofrepparttar 120417 matter is that you cannot write a press release about any old aspect of your business and have it end up onrepparttar 120418 home page ofrepparttar 120419 Fortune Small Business Web site. It just doesn't work that way. So how does it work, and what do you do if you need publicity but have nothing "newsworthy" to share?

There's another truth to publicity ... you can create it if you need to, and it's not that hard to do! Let me offer you useable suggestions that you can implement in order to gain some free exposure for your small business.

--- Offer A Donation to a Worthy Cause

One woman (a business coach) gave two scholarships to a local community college that catered torepparttar 120420 underprivileged. She included two months of free business-building coaching services for qualified applicants atrepparttar 120421 school. She set forthrepparttar 120422 criteria withrepparttar 120423 help ofrepparttar 120424 college, and decided on how to chooserepparttar 120425 scholarship winners.

Press releases were sent out, andrepparttar 120426 media went wild! Of course they would ... everyone loves to hear about people who are helping outrepparttar 120427 underdog. She received a lot of free promotion and boosted her image as a community leader, too.

--- Relate Your Product/Service to a Local/National News Event

Right nowrepparttar 120428 United States is experiencing two very troubling problems thatrepparttar 120429 media covers on a regular basis. The first is a drastic upswing in unemployment (especially in high-tech fields). The second is an energy crisis (particularly in California).

Proven Ways To Dramatically Increase Your Conversion Rate

Written by Diane Hughes

There is an old saying that I agree with 100%. "Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising."

The same applies to Web sites. Nothing will suck up money faster than a poorly structured Web site that can’t convert sales.

You might haverepparttar best product inrepparttar 120416 world. However, if your site isn’t specifically designed to convert visitors to sales, you’ll be wasting a lot of money to bring traffic to a dead site. All your marketing efforts and advertising dollars will go right downrepparttar 120417 drain.

Before you begin - or continue marketing your site, be sure you are ready to whiz customers through your ordering process with ease. Do a double check to ensure that your site can instill trust in your visitors.

So what do you need to do in order to dramatically increase conversions? There are a few simple, free things you can do right now that will pay off big time!

1) Reducerepparttar 120418 number of clicks to purchase. Make it easy for your visitors to findrepparttar 120419 information they need. Implementrepparttar 120420 three-click rule. It should take no more than three clicks for your visitors to get fromrepparttar 120421 index page torepparttar 120422 checkout page. I can promise you that they will not hunt for a way to spend their money. They will simply leave.

2) Make your privacy policy obvious. With allrepparttar 120423 spam and scams these days, customers are getting more and more weary of giving out personal information. They want to know exactly what you intend to do with it. So tell them! Make sure your privacy policy is up-front and easy to read.

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