Making Money With Niche Products

Written by Duane Marx

This is a basic guide to help you make money with niche products.

And to make this very easy let’s sell a digital or information product in any ‘niche market’ of your choice. OK let’s get started.

First we need to find a product to sell and there are a number of different ways to do this. You could join a monthly club that creates niche products. This is exactly what I do with ‘Nicheology’. Jimmy D. Brown and Ryan Deiss have done an excellent job with this. The only problem is it’s very hard to get into because they have a limited number of members they let in (1500).

Another way is to buy resale rights to niche products.

And of course you could create your own niche products or have a ghostwriter do it for you.

After you have your niche product you will need a domain name. Try to think of a few different names because your first choices may not be available. Choose a short name and it will be easier for people to remember. If possible get a domain name ending with (.com) You should also try to get a name to match your product. And maybe use keywords in your domain name to get a better listing on search engines.

And you will need a hosting company. The purpose of hosting company is to keep your website running properly. They will make sure everything is working properly so your customers can navigate through it and buy your product or service. So this is a very important responsibility. You may find some free hosting companies, but you really do get what you pay for. So it may be better to use a paid hosting company.

Also when you start promoting and selling some of these services you can make some extra money too.

You’ll need an autoresponder to send out emails automatically. You can automate a lot of your every day business tasks leaving more time for you to concentrate on more important things like marketing and promoting your products. With an autoresponder you can send out email advertisements to everyone on your list at predetermined intervals, automaterepparttar delivery of several different mini courses all at once, send out sequential emails automatically whenever someone buys one of your products, have all of your digital products sent out automatically and collect names and email addresses and add them to your list of customers and much, much more.

To collect money for your products you will need a payment processor. Make sure that you accept credit cards because most transactions will be made with them. But you should also consider other options as well, like accepting checks and money orders. And you may want to use PayPal and ClickBank. The more ways you can collect moneyrepparttar 119622 more sales you’ll make.

Making the Most Out of Google as a Research Tool

Written by Chuck Hudgins

Everyone knows how to userepparttar basic features offered by Google, but few make use of its advanced capabilities. Understanding what you can do with Google can shave hours off of your research time, especially when it comes to web site promotion.

In this article I will show you how to use some of Google’s advanced features to make your SEO research more precise and effective.

Preferences First thing’s first. Google has a number of preferences that you can set, which it remembers via a cookie. With these settings, you can adjustrepparttar 119621 interface and search languages, as well as search filters, number of results displayed per page, and whether or notrepparttar 119622 results are displayed in a new window. •The Interface language that you select determines how Google presents its tips and messages to you. •The Search language option allows you to search for pages written in a particular language. So if you prefer to focus on a particular language, you can narrow down your result very effectively this way. •SafeSearch Filtering can block web pages that contain explicit content, based on text and/or images. This option can be useful if you are researching possible link partners and want to filter out certain types of “affiliate link farms.” •The “Number of Results” option determines how many results are displayed per page. This is of course a matter of preference, but you can save some time loading 20 – 30 results per page, instead ofrepparttar 119623 standard (and infamous) 10.

Advanced Searches Some ofrepparttar 119624 options available onrepparttar 119625 advanced search options page arerepparttar 119626 same asrepparttar 119627 preferences page. However, some ofrepparttar 119628 options offered here provide some useful functionality. •Occurrences: With this option you can focus your search on various parts of a web page, instead ofrepparttar 119629 search drawing from all of its content. You can select a search based onrepparttar 119630 title of a page, its text, its url, or its links. This last option can be a great way to determine who has links torepparttar 119631 subject matter that you are researching. •Domain: This option, as you might guess, allows you to restrict a search to a single domain or site. •Page-Specific Searches: This section includes two different search options. The “Similar” option lets you find pages similar in content torepparttar 119632 one that you enter. This can be a great way to find out both who your competition is and how Google thinks of your site in terms of its content. The Links search option tells you who has linked torepparttar 119633 site that you enter. This is a powerful feature for determining who is a good link partner candidate.

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