Making A Small Store Go

Written by Kevin Nunley

I just got a note from a 19 year-old business student who is determined to start her own business. "It's a trendy clothing shop. I haverepparttar location,repparttar 117765 start-up money, a lawyer, and an accountant" she wrote enthusiastically. "My parents think I'm in over my head but I'm determined to make my dream come true."

That's a situation most of us can identify with. You've got a great idea for a new business and you've done every bit of preparation you can, but inrepparttar 117766 back of your mind you know you could fail. What can you do to make a small store go?

By farrepparttar 117767 most important factor is location. If at all possible, find a location you can afford that has built-in customer traffic. Mall locations are great but often too expensive. Look for a nook near a group of stores or on a major street that brings a steady flow of shoppers--the kind of shoppers who would be interested in your store.

Find an affordable way to promote that reaches your best prospective customers. Here are some other ways to save big on very effective ads:

* Desktop publishing makes catalogs and brochures easy to produce. Create your own booklet to include with orders.

* Get a toll free number. Even though long distance calls aren't nearly as expensive as they used to be, many customers will call you faster if you list an 800 number. Mine is 888-429-6203. Usingrepparttar 117768 phone to sell person-to-person is oftenrepparttar 117769 fastest way to get a buy.

* Advertise in specialty and neighborhood newspapers. I get incredible response advertising in an entertainment paper placed in restaurants. A classified ad is just $10 per week.

* Buy TV ads on cable TV. Cable rates are cheaper and you can limit your commercials to specific parts of your city.

* Get a big cell phone package and give your cell number out to everyone. When customers can reach you just about any time, you getrepparttar 117770 sale.

* Give away or sell your own video. Nine in ten people own a VCR. One friend has sold hundreds of his video telling how he earns a living selling antiques on eBay.

If you can't clearly see how you can effectively market your store, stop immediately and reevaluate your plan.

Also, remember that marketing works best when it isn't rushed. The best advertising media require you to place your order well in advance. Great designers, writers, and (especially!) TV production firms are usually booked weeks intorepparttar 117771 future.

10 Stealthy Ways To Unearth Your Profits!

Written by Larry Dotson

1. Add a free interactive game to your web site. You could hire someone to create it. The game should be related torepparttar theme of your web site.

2. Train your employees as a team instead of just individuals. Everyone must do their job in order forrepparttar 117764 others do theirs.

3. Make people feel like it's their idea to buy, they will be less hesitant. Tell them in your ad "You're making a smart decision for buying our product".

4. Promote yourself as well as your products. Write articles, ebooks, reports, etc. When you endorse products, people will think your statement is credible.

5. Show your prospects a group of testimonials that stand up for your product. People are more likely to agree with a group than have a different opinion.

6. Maximize your advertising budget and don't go broke likerepparttar 117765 big web sites. All you need is a small group of loyal customers to sell back end products.

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