Make your web site Super-Sticky

Written by Steven Gardner

With web sites being more common than ever, people are turning torepparttar web to find products and services where they may have used other mediums previously.

In such a cluttered on-line world (and getting busier every day), you need to have something on your site that grabs people's attention and more importantly keeps them coming back again and again.

The first thing that you need to make sure is thatrepparttar 132286 content you have is current and if possible updated regularly (regularly may mean different things to different businesses, from daily to monthly). This may mean text, pictures or even a seasonal redesign or makeover. Google do this well by simply changingrepparttar 132287 graphic of their logo to represent different events.

Once content is being refreshed, it gives your customers a reason to come back. For many,repparttar 132288 products or services we sell are not commodity items and so return business is less certain due torepparttar 132289 infrequency ofrepparttar 132290 purchase.

If your content is changing (and obviously worth reading) then your customers are going to return to keep up to date withrepparttar 132291 developments.

To increase your stickiness, you are going to need something extra, something that can enticerepparttar 132292 visitors to your website to return, something SuperSticky!

This elusive element of your website will be different depending on your business andrepparttar 132293 target audience.

Some possible options are:

- Discussion Forums - Auctions / Classifieds - Picture Galleries - User/Customer Reviews Let's discuss each in turn.

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums, depending on your business and audience, are one ofrepparttar 132294 best ways to keep your customers coming back for more. The key here is that your customers are generating your sticky content for you. Just think…every time one of your visitors to your website posts a comment inrepparttar 132295 forum, they are pretty certain to be back to check onrepparttar 132296 responses to it.

You can develop this format into questions and answers. Yourepparttar 132297 expert can answerrepparttar 132298 questions ofrepparttar 132299 visitors and hopefully your answer to people's problems generates more and more traffic to your site, as you become known as a place to come for advice.

Auctions / Classifieds

Auctions and classifieds are another way to get people to return to your site. Withrepparttar 132300 success of Trademe inrepparttar 132301 New Zealand Internet space, online auctions have become well known. Offering your own niche auction site could also benefit from this surge of interest.

Advanced web design principles

Written by Zoran Makrevski

Home Page

Regardless of our connection speed, Internet users expect information to be readily obtainable, pages to download quickly and solutions atrepparttar click ofrepparttar 132284 mouse. As such, you should look at your home page as your Sale point. Have you explained succinctly what you are selling and included links to more detailed information? Note that onrepparttar 132285 first page, you should try to pre-sell your potential customers onrepparttar 132286 benefits of your product or service.

If you are offering many products or services, place onlyrepparttar 132287 most attractive onrepparttar 132288 first page. Do not overload your first page. People might get confused if you provide too much information on one page. That is one ofrepparttar 132289 reasons why I always advise my customers not to use flash intros on their first page or atrepparttar 132290 very lease, allow them to skip through it. Today, internet users have less patience to wait and will move on quickly if pages take too long too load or if they have to “wait through” fancy openers that are all flash and no substance.

Site structure

Structure of your site should be dedicated to one goal only. Leadingrepparttar 132291 visitor from your home page (pre-sale point) to different pages (sale points) on your site.

Structure of your site should be as simple as 1 – 2 – 3.

The 1 should be your home page, where you providerepparttar 132292 basic information (read benefits) about your product or service.

The 2 should be a “more details” page where you will list and elaborate on benefits and prices of your product

And 3 should be your “add to cart” or “contact us” page.

Navigation structure

If you are serious about having your business onrepparttar 132293 Internet, do not experiment withrepparttar 132294 navigation ofrepparttar 132295 site. Keep it simple and easy to use. If your pages are long, place a menu onrepparttar 132296 bottom ofrepparttar 132297 page to save your users from scrolling torepparttar 132298 top ofrepparttar 132299 page to reachrepparttar 132300 menu.


Do you believe that people read everything written on your page? They don’t. What they do is SCAN. They are scanning your page, looking for specific information regarding your company, what you have to offer, pricing and how to contact you. What you say and how you say it can meanrepparttar 132301 difference between a visitor and a sale.

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