Make your site quick to load!

Written by Michael Kralj

The time it takes to load your site can make or break a visitor’s first impression of your site. If your site takes too long to load,repparttar visitor will click “Stop” or “Back” and leave your web site. If you are a business and offering people important information, it is critical to have a nice design, with a quick load time.

You may want to check outrepparttar 132407 load time of your page, to indeed see if your site loads quick enough forrepparttar 132408 average user. A great site tool can be found at where you are able to enter your site and it displays a report onrepparttar 132409 time it takes to load your site on different connections, in addition to tips to decrease load time.

Upon doing a speed test, if your first page takes a great time to load inrepparttar 132410 visitor’s browser, it is inrepparttar 132411 best interest to do some redesigning to decrease load time and increaserepparttar 132412 number of visitors that will not click back onrepparttar 132413 browser. We must remember that not everyone is running on DSL or Cable modem. Many users still dial up using a 56K connection. As web designers and site maintainers, we want to ensure our site’s load quickly, as to not lose potential visitors to your site.

Images, Sounds & Animations arerepparttar 132414 major menaces to download time. While these add nicely to a site, they may take up a lot of time to load. If you may avoid large sized files, please do. Many images may be optimized to lookrepparttar 132415 same, however taking up less space, and download more quickly. Many image editors such as Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro can perform these tasks.

Browser "Safe" Fonts

Written by Shruti Gupta

Browser "Safe" Fonts By Shruti Gupta

Fonts make a big difference torepparttar look and experience ofrepparttar 132405 website. Usage of fonts requires sense of aesthetics and discretion. We haverepparttar 132406 liberty to use any font we want in an image but when we specifyrepparttar 132407 fonts forrepparttar 132408 text on a web page, we need to ensure that we use only 'browser safe" fonts.

Browsers support TrueType fonts and all operating systems come with sets of standard TrueType fonts that have been preinstalled. These preinstalled TrueType fonts are what we can say are "browser safe" fonts.

My recommendation is to specify at least three fonts fromrepparttar 132409 following list inrepparttar 132410 stylesheet. Out ofrepparttar 132411 three fonts specified, make sure that at least one of them is available in Macintosh and one for Windows. Also, please remember that multi-word font names should be in quotes (example "Times New Roman").

So, here is a list of fonts that are preinstalled in Windows and Macintosh computers as they come out ofrepparttar 132412 box.

Windows OS •Arial (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Arial Black •Comic Sans (Bold) •Courier New (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Franklin Gothic Medium (Italic) – as of Windows XP •Georgia (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Impact •Lucida Console •Lucida Sans Unicode •Marlett •MS Sans Serif – as of Windows XP •Palatino Linotype (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Symbol •Tahoma (Bold) •Times New Roman (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Trebuchet (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Verdana (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic) •Webdings

Mac OS •American Typewriter (Bold) •Andale Mono – Only installed in OS X if Classic is installed •Apple Chancery

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