Every once in a while, we as entrepreneurs have to burn
midnight oil to meet deadlines and go that extra mile to accomplish a specific task.I'm always reminding clients and readers to make sure they remain aware of how they are allocating their time so they don’t create an imbalance between their work and personal lives.
All work and no play makes for a lonely, unhealthy and unfulfilling life.
This week I created an imbalance for myself and as a result, am now sitting at my computer on a Saturday night with one eye partially closed and a very tired mind and body.
Like you, I too get caught up with a project that demands a great deal of time and energy and requires uninterrupted, total attention.
Being a small and home-based business owner requires periods of intense focus and hard work and part of
entrepreneurial spirit is
amazing ability to do whatever it takes to accomplish a task when a situation warrants.
I stress
importance of maintaining healthy work/life balance, particularly as it relates to
day-to-day activities of
small business owner.
Even more so, however, is
absolute need to re-establish balance after
scales have been tipped due to a short-term demanding project or intense activity.
You know when you are out of balance. You're energy is drained, you can't focus, you aren't eating properly, you are easily agitated and your zest for fun is gone.
As soon as you recognize these symptoms, make a conscious decision to take corrective action immediately.
The thing you want to avoid is riding
wave of overwhelm and imbalance any longer than you have to. Pay attention to how you feel and if you don't like it, do something about it pronto.
Yesterday I completed
demanding weeklong task I had set for myself and knew I had burned
candle at both ends just long enough to start feeling burned out.
I recognized
effects of
imbalance I created and instituted Operation "Rescue Me" that will run for
next several days.
Today was get-plenty-of-rest-and-eat-only-healthy-foods-day. I did a lot of napping and when I was awake, I ate only raw vegetables, yogurt and drank a lot of water and fruit juice. Tonight I will go to bed early to put myself back on schedule.
Tomorrow is get-outside-enjoy-the-sunshine-and-spend-time-with-loved-ones day. The weather here has been absolutely beautiful and I missed a great deal of it while locked in my office for a week. Tomorrow it's sunshine, a beautiful warm breeze and a delicious BBQ with family.
following several days I have tennis dates planned with a good friend.