Make Your Home Party a Success!

Written by Anita DeFrank

Home parties can be a lot of fun and a great way to earn extra money. Following a simple guideline can help you have a successful home party that runs smoothly and everyone enjoys. The following guideline will give you a basic idea of how to do this and can easily be adjusted to fit your own tastes.

Beforerepparttar Guests arrive… Be sure to arrive at your hostess's home about an hour or so beforerepparttar 116549 start of your party to review any last minute details. Set up refreshment table. Re-arrange furniture if needed. Set up your display. Do a quick review ofrepparttar 116550 guest list. Review any before-party sales. Don't forget to lay outrepparttar 116551 catalogs, brochures and business cards!

Greetingrepparttar 116552 Guests… Haverepparttar 116553 hostess warmly greet each guest as they arrive. Have her introduce you and engage in some general chit-chat. Ask them about themselves, what do they do, how do they knowrepparttar 116554 hostess, do they have any children? Remember to smile!

The Ice Breaker… Games are a perfect ice breaker. Play a game or two to makerepparttar 116555 guests feel welcome and comfortable. Make your games fun and with as much interaction withrepparttar 116556 guests as possible. Another good ice breaker is to thank your hostess for holdingrepparttar 116557 party and giving her a gift. If you offer gifts to guests who bring friends; now'srepparttar 116558 time do hand them out.

The Presentation… Start showing guestsrepparttar 116559 items that you've brought for display and give a brief description that you've prepared before-hand on each one. Guests love hands-on viewing. After each description, handrepparttar 116560 merchandise torepparttar 116561 guests to get a better look and pass around. Atrepparttar 116562 end of your presentation, discussrepparttar 116563 opportunity for guests to become hostesses themselves and briefly discussrepparttar 116564 rewards. Be sure at some point to openrepparttar 116565 floor torepparttar 116566 guests for any questions, comments and/or concerns. At this timerepparttar 116567 hostesses should be doing any last minute preparations ofrepparttar 116568 refreshments.

How To Call Leads Effectively

Written by Dawn Roberts

When it comes to calling prospects,repparttar telephone becomes a three hundred and fifty pound weight for some individuals. I'm going to share some secrets with you that will rid you of your apprehension to pick up that phone!

If your home business relies on you calling leads and prospects, I guarantee you that your success or failure is directly in keeping with your ability or reluctance to pick uprepparttar 116548 phone!

If you've read many of my ramblings, you've already realized that I take everything down to its simplest form. Calling leads is no different. If you look at your phone with fear or trepidation, you may build a mediocre business. However, you'll never reachrepparttar 116549 heights of success you're capable. It's really that simple.

Well, fear not! Follow these simple and straight forward tips to overcome your phone-phobia!

  1. Grab yourself a pen and some paper and write downrepparttar 116550 purpose of calling your prospect. If your initial contact is to make an appointment for a presentation, write that down. If your purpose is to sell them your product, write that down. You must be aware and mindful of your purpose.
  2. Write down a 45 second commercial about your product or service. When I say, commercial, I don't mean 45 seconds of fluff and hype. Make it an informative teaser that will lead your prospect to your purpose.
  3. Write down your own 45 second testimonial about why you started your own business and how your product or service has changed your life.
  4. Be aware and be prepared for objections. If you know whatrepparttar 116551 typical objections are, write them down and then address them on paper. That way, you'll be able to deal with them when they arise. For example, if you know a common objection is "I don't have time", write down how your product or service saves time. You'll then be able to say "And that's exactly why you need ....."
  5. Now that you haverepparttar 116552 bare bones of your "script", write out your outline of what you're going to say. However, don't be rigid about it. This is supposed to be an outline, not something you'll regurgitate verbatim each time you call a prospect.
  6. Practice with anyone and everyone who will stand still long enough for you! Ask them to respond to yourepparttar 116553 way they would if it were a complete stranger calling them. Ask them to come up with objections. This is role playing and it is most definitely one ofrepparttar 116554 best tools you can use to become comfortable with calling your leads.
  7. Telephone posture is extremely important. People feed off your posture. You must be professional and have a smile on your face while onrepparttar 116555 phone. As strange as it may

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