Make Your Holiday Meals Healthier

Written by Renee Kennedy

Eat holiday meals with moderation in mind, don't let one meal set you back from your goals. If you overeat, you will need to get yourself back on track immediately - that means fightingrepparttar leftovers that call to you from repparttar 115502 refrigerator. If you can follow some of these suggestions, evenrepparttar 115503 leftovers won't be so fattening.

1. Steamed Veggies with spices rather than butter or cheese. (Seasoning salt is an excellent spice for any vegetable.) Go for green vegetables like broccoli, green beans, and peas. Raw veggies are better for you, so don't cook them until they are mush, keep them as close to raw as possible. They should look bright green when you're finished cooking them. They are more flavorful this way, too and you're less likely to load them up with butter.

2. Light meat has fewer calories than dark meat. Also trim fat and skin away, you'll save a few calories.

3. Cookrepparttar 115504 stuffing separate fromrepparttar 115505 turkey, that way it doesn't soak uprepparttar 115506 fat fromrepparttar 115507 meat. Use whole grain bread to makerepparttar 115508 stuffing. Skiprepparttar 115509 sausage stuffing this year and go for a combination of these ingredients instead: mushrooms, water chestnuts, roasted chestnuts, walnuts or any nut, onions and celery, cranberry sauce. (1 can of whole berry cranberry sauce to 15 oz of dry stuffing.)

4. Skiprepparttar 115510 mashed potatoes altogether. Try baked sweet potatoes or squash instead. If you have to have a potato - have a baked potato with low fat topping like nonfat sour cream, non fat cream cheese, or plain yogurt.

5. Gravy - ok, we have to have gravy! Instead of homemade, try a low-fat variety that they sell in jars. (Heinz and Franco American both make a low-fat gravy.) It's also one less thing to prepare!

Is The Nasal FluMist Vaccine Worth It?

Written by Lena Sanchez

Is The Nasal FluMist Vaccine Worth It? © By Lena Sanchez

The hype on TV and radio lately is pushing those betweenrepparttar ages of 8 and 49 years to getrepparttar 115501 new FluMist nasal flu vaccine. A live virus being sprayed uprepparttar 115502 nasal passages.

I'm sorry but if it's not safe forrepparttar 115503 younger or older ones is it safe for anyone? This is a very dangerous vaccine and if you should ever readrepparttar 115504 insert included withrepparttar 115505 vaccine you would understand that.

Inrepparttar 115506 FlumMist package insert labeled "PRECAUTIONS," repparttar 115507 manufacturer statesrepparttar 115508 following warning:

"FluMist recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days."

How difficult will it be to be a hermit for 21 days after receivingrepparttar 115509 FluMist? Impossible, and would you want to stay away from everyone?

The warning is directed toward those living inrepparttar 115510 same household with an immunocompromised person.

Danger lies inrepparttar 115511 on-going release of live viruses throughoutrepparttar 115512 community that may be a significant risk to everyone who has a weakened immune system. For instance; standing in line in a grocery store, movie house or restaurant could be dangerous to your health if your immune system is compromised and someone who had their FluMist vaccine inrepparttar 115513 last three weeks sneezes!

Compromised immune system can simple mean you binged on chocolate last night and ate fast food for lunch today then stopped atrepparttar 115514 store, exposing you…

Hundreds of TV, radio and print advertisements, geared toward scaringrepparttar 115515 pants off everyone, have been designed to persuade everyone inrepparttar 115516 so-called safe age range into gettingrepparttar 115517 FluMist. Every time I turn around I am hearing it on TV, seeing an ad in a magazine or hearing it on radio! The campaign isrepparttar 115518 "most intense, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a vaccine," costing an estimated $25 million overrepparttar 115519 next two and a half months. In addition, Wyeth, MedImmune's partner, plans a three-year, $100 million campaign to encourage use ofrepparttar 115520 nasal flu vaccine among physicians.

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