Make Sure Affiliate Programs Pay for Every Sale

Written by John Lynch

Make Sure Affiliate Programs Pay for Every Sale

When joining affiliate programs there are many decisions you have to make. Unfortunately, few people query what kind of tracking softwarerepparttar program uses. To overlook this can prove costly, and means you may never be credited with 5% - 10% of your affiliate sales.

A good affiliate program will use quality affiliate tracking software that is reliable and tracks all of your sales. You must make sure that they not only track online sales, but also sales by phone, fax and mail order. Many companies only track online, and this means you will lose between 5% - 10% of your sales.

Also, make sure thatrepparttar 102296 affiliate program uses 'cookie tracking' software to ensure that you will be credited for sales from people who don't buyrepparttar 102297 first time they visit your website, but come back and buy at a later date.

For those of you who don't know what a 'cookie' is. A cookie is a small piece of information that a web site puts on your hard drive so that it will remember you when you return later. This is how cookies can be used to track visitors to a web site. In this wayrepparttar 102298 affiliate program will be able to track allrepparttar 102299 sales from your site, even thoughrepparttar 102300 visitor did not buy onrepparttar 102301 first visit torepparttar 102302 web site.

Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program – Part Two

Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

Incentive Marketing, Incentive Marketing, Incentive Marketing… It doesn’t matter that there are potentially thousands of other affiliates promotingrepparttar same program because from today onwards you are going to create an unfair advantage. Today you are going to learn some ofrepparttar 102295 skills to becoming a SUPER INCENTIVE MARKETER.

And to be a SUPER INCENTIVE MARKETER you need to create an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE.

The advantage that is EXCLUSIVELY available through you, and ONLY you. I’m talking aboutrepparttar 102296 advantage that can’t be found anywhere else. An advantage that if they want to buyrepparttar 102297 product because of what you are offering, they have to buy EXCLUSIVELY through you.

For those who are getting lost, let me give you an example fromrepparttar 102298 real world.

Two weeks ago I was looking for a DVD/Karaoke player. My requirements were simple; I just had one criteria, – cheap. I found two players, from two different suppliers that fit my criteria, which were exact in every way.

EXCEPT…one supplier decided to create their own UNFAIR ADVANTAGE by offered a free microphone and a couple of free DVD Karaoke discs.

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