Major Depression and Manic-Depression — Any difference?

Written by Michael G. Rayel, MD

Countless number of patients and their family members have asked me about manic–depression and major depression. “Is there any difference?” “Are they one andrepparttar same?” “Isrepparttar 126161 treatmentrepparttar 126162 same?” And so on. Each time I encounter a chorus of questions like these, I am enthused to provide answers.

You know why? Becauserepparttar 126163 difference between these two disorders is enormous. The difference does not lie on clinical presentation alone. The treatment of these two disorders is significantly distinct.

Let me begin by describing major depression (officially called major depressive disorder). Major depression is a primary psychiatric disorder characterized byrepparttar 126164 presence of either a depressed mood or lack of interest to do usual activities occurring on a daily basis for at least two weeks. Just like other disorders, this illness has associated features such as impairment in energy, appetite, sleep, concentration, and desire to have sex.

In addition, patients afflicted with this disorder also suffer from feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Tearfulness or crying episodes and irritability are not uncommon. If left untreated, patients get worse. They become socially withdrawn and can’t go to work. Moreover, about 15% of depressed patients become suicidal and occasionally, homicidal. Other patients develop psychosis—hearing voices (hallucinations) or having false beliefs (delusions) that people are out to get them.

What about manic-depression or bipolar disorder?

Manic-depression is a type of primary psychiatric disorder characterized byrepparttar 126165 presence of major depression (as described above) and episodes of mania that last for at least a week. When mania is present, patients show signs opposite of clinical depression. Duringrepparttar 126166 episode, patients show significant euphoria or extreme irritability. In addition, patients become talkative and loud.


Written by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

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By Pauline Wallin, Ph.D Author of "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior"

Word count: 567

Copyright Pauline Wallin, Ph.D. 2004. All rights reserved


Although anger is one ofrepparttar 126161 most common emotions that people have, it isrepparttar 126162 least understood. These phrases are probably familiar to you:

“If someone hits you, hit ‘em back.” “Turnrepparttar 126163 other cheek.” “Don’t get angry; get even.”

Have you noticed how they contradict each other? That’s because anger is a very complex emotion. Attempts to simplify it result inrepparttar 126164 following MISPERCEPTIONS:

1. That all anger is unhealthy or destructive 2. That anger is an all-or-nothing phenomenon 3. If you don’t let your anger out, it builds up and explodes out 4. That angry people yell and scream a lot 5. That anger management means keeping your mouth shut

===> Here arerepparttar 126165 facts:


Sometimes anger is definitely justified. For example, if you have been betrayed by a friend, or if you have been physically attacked by someone, or if there is a major social injustice -- these are all times where anger is appropriate. Biologically speaking, anger gets your adrenalin going, and spurs you into action.

Onrepparttar 126166 other hand,repparttar 126167 hissy fits that people throw over minor irritations are both unhealthy and destructive. Anger has serious implications for your health. Research shows that among allrepparttar 126168 risk factors for heart disease, chronic anger isrepparttar 126169 most significant predictor -- more than smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. Temper tantrums and other fits of anger are rarely useful. In fact, they erode not only people’s respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

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