Written by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.

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By Pauline Wallin, Ph.D Author of "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior"

Word count: 567

Copyright Pauline Wallin, Ph.D. 2004. All rights reserved


Although anger is one ofrepparttar 126161 most common emotions that people have, it isrepparttar 126162 least understood. These phrases are probably familiar to you:

“If someone hits you, hit ‘em back.” “Turnrepparttar 126163 other cheek.” “Don’t get angry; get even.”

Have you noticed how they contradict each other? That’s because anger is a very complex emotion. Attempts to simplify it result inrepparttar 126164 following MISPERCEPTIONS:

1. That all anger is unhealthy or destructive 2. That anger is an all-or-nothing phenomenon 3. If you don’t let your anger out, it builds up and explodes out 4. That angry people yell and scream a lot 5. That anger management means keeping your mouth shut

===> Here arerepparttar 126165 facts:


Sometimes anger is definitely justified. For example, if you have been betrayed by a friend, or if you have been physically attacked by someone, or if there is a major social injustice -- these are all times where anger is appropriate. Biologically speaking, anger gets your adrenalin going, and spurs you into action.

Onrepparttar 126166 other hand,repparttar 126167 hissy fits that people throw over minor irritations are both unhealthy and destructive. Anger has serious implications for your health. Research shows that among allrepparttar 126168 risk factors for heart disease, chronic anger isrepparttar 126169 most significant predictor -- more than smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. Temper tantrums and other fits of anger are rarely useful. In fact, they erode not only people’s respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

There is Attitude and Attitude

Written by Judi Singleton

Attitude has a lot to do with how our life goes. We winrepparttar lottery and we are happy or we lose our jobs and we are angry. However does it have to be that way we can decide how to feel about anything that happens it all depends on your attitude. You are responsible for all your experiences in life. We cannot control what happens to us for their are many other co-creators of life out there creating but we can control how we react to what happens to us. Our attitude does have a great affect and can make a huge difference when dealing with our day-to-day experiences. By changing our attitudes and beliefs we can create a new life. We will learn to perceiverepparttar 126159 same events, behaviors and phenomena differently so as to experience greater peace and more positive emotions. When I first realizedrepparttar 126160 power of my attitude one thing hit me, If I wanted to change my life I would first have to change my attitude.

Let me give you my definition of attitude. Simply, attitude is your perception of life. It’srepparttar 126161 way you view things around you.

It is your perception ofrepparttar 126162 day that determines whether you have a good or bad day. You have a choice every day to respond positively to life’s circumstances or react negatively. The choice is yours. You are where you are today because ofrepparttar 126163 thoughts you have maintained up to this point in your life. James Allen says it as, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character beingrepparttar 126164 complete sum of all his thoughts."

You cannot change your thoughts without changing your life inrepparttar 126165 process -- either for good or for bad. Immerse yourself inrepparttar 126166 right thoughts and you will becomerepparttar 126167 person you long to be, just as surely asrepparttar 126168 planting of an acorn yields an oak tree and not a pine tree.

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