Written by Jacky Hughes

This article is copyright and first appeared in 'Cross Times' in September 2004.

Do you feel accepted?

We only feel really accepted by God as we bring to him all those past hurts that have made us feel rejected and far from him. Feeling accepted is to be able to cry ‘Abba, Father” and really mean it. It is to be able to say inrepparttar darkest of places “God has not forgotten me. He will not leave me, fail me or forsake me.” It is to be sure God can be trusted not to let us down and to be able to feel that we can come to Him just as we are and that He will still welcome us and treat us as His children no matter how far we have wandered from Him. It is to know that if we were to becomerepparttar 126469 prodigal then He would show usrepparttar 126470 truth of that story and welcome us with open arms.

Most of us do not feel completely secure in allrepparttar 126471 ways described inrepparttar 126472 first paragraph. Rejection and lack of self acceptance - allrepparttar 126473 difficultiesrepparttar 126474 distorted relationships we encounter as children and as adults in a fallen world conspire to make us feel that we are not acceptable to God at all. We feel that He cannot possibly want ‘us,’

The trouble is we have until we are born again been adopted byrepparttar 126475 wrong spiritual father. His name is Satan and he is a liar. He has done all he can to make sure we arerepparttar 126476 products of as much rejection and fractured relationship as he can organise. He has made sure events worked to show us that we cannot possibly be children ofrepparttar 126477 living God - not really - we are too bad! We may intellectually have thought ourselves part of God’s family but I wonder how many of us deep down have wondered if perhaps God did not make a mistake? Satan has loved to play on that. He isrepparttar 126478 master of false belief. He will use every word and action we encounter to convince us we are unacceptable. he started when we were very young. In fact fromrepparttar 126479 moment he knew we would be bornrepparttar 126480 devil has been on an out and out campaign to ensure thatrepparttar 126481 one thing we do not get to know isrepparttar 126482 very depth ofrepparttar 126483 heart of a loving Father God.

When Less is More

Written by Terry L. Dashner

“Less is more”

Terry Dashner…………Faith Fellowship Church of Broken Arrow, OK 74013

I read again God’s words to Gideon. As I read these familiar words they pulsated throughout my afternoon. God told Gideon, “’…and you shall defeat Midian as one man.’” (Judges 6:16) (NASB)

As one person you will subduerepparttar enemy. Has God ever spoken words like these to you? Has He ever reassured you that you would be an army of one againstrepparttar 126468 forces of evil assaulting you?

Before I go further with this topic, let me make a bold statement. God doesn’t defeatrepparttar 126469 enemies ofrepparttar 126470 Cross byrepparttar 126471 masses, but by one. The one is Jesus Christ. We are one in Him. In Him we are greater than allrepparttar 126472 world’s armies, navies, air corps, or special-forces. In Christ and through Him—although we two (Jesus and me) are fewer—yet we are mighty in battle overrepparttar 126473 hoards and masses of evil. Do you believe this? I believe it is true.

It’s notrepparttar 126474 committees ofrepparttar 126475 world that moverepparttar 126476 forces of good. It’srepparttar 126477 lone person appalled atrepparttar 126478 sight of evil and injustice. It’s notrepparttar 126479 thousands that attend churches every Sunday that carry out ministry and mission statements. It’s a handful of lovers who love God and people more than they loverepparttar 126480 luxury of comfort zones. Are you hearing me? Can you agree with this bold proposition?

Gideon had 32,000 soldiers to kickrepparttar 126481 Midianites back to Midianite country. He kept losing men up torepparttar 126482 day of battle, but God was pruning Gideon’s army. God told Gideon he had too many troops. God prunedrepparttar 126483 ranks until there were only 300 men. This begsrepparttar 126484 question, when is less—more?

Less is more when God is in it. As a matter of fact if you try to add more help to God’s help, your additional help will just get inrepparttar 126485 way. Lord, all I need is you, plus wealth, housing, career, popularity, and more help—right? Wrong. Jesus said He is all we need. How can this be? If we have Jesus, we have a legal and universal right to everything else we need and even desire for this life. If your building foundation is deep and expansive, you can build out and up, up, up. If you have no foundation or one that is too small, well, you getrepparttar 126486 picture…Jesus isrepparttar 126487 true foundation,repparttar 126488 Rock,repparttar 126489 Corner Stone, the…

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