Written by Monte Zwang

So you want to open a restaurant? Many people come to me with their plans, and ideas after they have decided to build or open a restaurant. It is my responsibility to assist them in their planning process and determine how clearly they have thought their concept through. I ask them to show me a menu, and if their initial response is "I haven't gotten that far in my planning process yet," my response is “You haven't startedrepparttar planning process yet”.

A menu isrepparttar 103641 foundation of any restaurant; Guests will support or avoid a restaurant for its food. Starting with a preliminary menu is a simple and basic approach to restaurant development. Begin with a menu, and you are light years ahead inrepparttar 103642 restaurant development process. A menu will tell you and your Guest what you are trying to be as a business, and greatly enhance your chances for success.

I view a menu for content, image and pricing. Content (the actual items onrepparttar 103643 menu) will dictate service staffing needs, level of culinary experience and type of management required. Who will be doingrepparttar 103644 cooking, do they have experience in this type of food, and how much are you paying them?

Image is howrepparttar 103645 Guest will perceiverepparttar 103646 menu. Menu image helps definerepparttar 103647 targeted clientele and which other restaurants this operation would be competing with. Arerepparttar 103648 content and image ofrepparttar 103649 menu appealing to your desired clientele? Pricing helps determine a potential restaurant’s competitive placement. Isrepparttar 103650 pricing forrepparttar 103651 type of food offered competitive with other's inrepparttar 103652 market area, and does it permitrepparttar 103653 ability to manage a profitable food cost? Pricing setsrepparttar 103654 Guest's expectations in terms of food and service quality. This perception will, in turn, help define appropriate staffing levels. The budgeting process can now begin. Analysis of menu content, image and pricing will tell prospective restaurant operators whether their concept is appropriate for a certain market area.

Back that Thang UP …… Insure the Data on Your Computer

Written by Elizabeth Hall

Computers are such an integral part of our business activities. We should pay special attention to how our data is treated.

It does not matter what industry you work in. Chances are you use your computer in some part of your business. As with everything else in your business you need to make sure there are safeguards in place to take care of your valuable information.

If you truly think about it, you may have original content written for your website, customer communications, emails that you have been saving with important instructions and probablyrepparttar most valuable of all, your database.

Your database isrepparttar 103640 most important resource for constant customer contact. The best advice I ever got was to backuprepparttar 103641 data on my computer often. You never know when a power outage or a virus might hit your computer.

Just think how difficult it would be to replace your database that may have taken years to compile. It could take months to recreate allrepparttar 103642 lost data and even then, it may not be reproduced in its entirety. Some data will be lost forever and can only be found inrepparttar 103643 great abyss.

Your business insurance, assuming you have a policy will provide some compensation inrepparttar 103644 event of a catastrophe. Backing up data is a form of insurance. Traditional insurance can’t bring precious data back fromrepparttar 103645 grave after a fire has turned every shred of paper and equipment to ashes. That is where backups come in.

Backing up your data often is worth its weight in gold. If something happens to your equipment,repparttar 103646 only thing you have to replace isrepparttar 103647 programs on your computer. Your data can then be retrieved form its storage place.

How you store data andrepparttar 103648 frequency at which you perform backups depends upon a couple of factors:

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