MEDICAL RECORDS: Can I See Them or Not?

Written by Lisa Copen

I was to seerepparttar surgeon aboutrepparttar 115779 broken tendon in my hand and so was handed a large folder containing my medical records to take with me torepparttar 115780 other side ofrepparttar 115781 hospital. It wasrepparttar 115782 first time I was pleased to have to wait to seerepparttar 115783 physician. I skimmedrepparttar 115784 records as quickly as I could, shocked atrepparttar 115785 large amount of information that I had shared with my doctor about my condition which was omitted fromrepparttar 115786 records.

He had dismissed my most recently complaints of pain from active rheumatoid arthritis as "likely caused by stress of breaking up with boyfriend." I now knew where I stood with this doctor, based on his scrawled inaccurate descriptions of our visits.

The nurse appeared and witnessed me reading my documents and in exasperation claimed, "You're not supposed to be reading that!" grabbingrepparttar 115787 folder out of my hand.

"They're my records," I said, "I don't understand why I can't."

"You just can't," she flustered. "It's not ethical."

She was wrong.

CAN I GET A COPY OF MY MEDICAL RECORDS? Usually. Most states allow patients to review their medical information, but some states don't addressrepparttar 115788 issue at all. Some may place restrictions onrepparttar 115789 information you can get, for example, psychiatric information is most difficult to receive.

IS THE INFORMATION MINE? Technically,repparttar 115790 documents belong to whoever made them, but in most casesrepparttar 115791 information about you belongs to you. Contactrepparttar 115792 you State Department of Health to find out your rights in your state. The number is in your local yellow pages or atrepparttar 115793 FDA web site at:

Even in states whererepparttar 115794 law is restrictive or unclear, many medical providers will provide your records to you anyway, according torepparttar 115795 American Health Information Management Association,repparttar 115796 "keepers" ofrepparttar 115797 nation's health records. If you received care in a federal medical facility, you have a right to access your record underrepparttar 115798 federal Privacy Act of 1974 (5USC Section 552a).

Is AGE REVERSAL possible?

Written by Ina Bliss

The answer is a resounding "YES!"

How does it work? I tell you, if you promise to check it out...

-------------------------------- Part 1 - It began when I read... --------------------------------

...well-known author Deepak Chopra's book "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" (1). In his words, "My body is new at every moment. I,repparttar seer, am immune to aging. Everything in my body is under direct control of my awareness. I am constantly renewing."

And, as you can imagine, when you just lost over 70 pounds of ugly weight, it just sometimes does not look that easy to shape what's left into statue, getrepparttar 115778 skin tight andrepparttar 115779 essential parts to lift up again.

Since my wallet was also not in such great shape forrepparttar 115780 ambitious plans I always seem to have, I read "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" (2), by David Cameron Gikandi. "The Science of getting Rich" (3), by Walles D Wattles, followed suit.

Only after devouring these astounding facts & ideas yourself can you possibly understand how they transformed my life in many, many ways. They not only opened uprepparttar 115781 possibility of achieving what I had planned. They actively worked on my perspective on business and its formerly complex tasks to now easily create wealth.

It'srepparttar 115782 truth: Once you elevate your thoughts, all things become so much simpler. Even better, once your thoughts are deeply planted,repparttar 115783 answer in its materialized form is being attractedto you, and occasionally walks right through your front-door, or shows up in your Inbox.

------------------------------------ Part 2 - My perfect Vision formed. ------------------------------------

Encouraged byrepparttar 115784 possibilities, I made my plans as complete as I could. If I was to accomplish something this difficult, it might as well be perfect.

Let me just give you an excerpt ofrepparttar 115785 affirmed outlook I developed for my physical state of being (at age 52):

"I have a healthy firm, well-shapes athletic body with flawless baby skin, long, thick, shiny, naturally light brown hair, healthy finger and toe nails, straight white teeth and 20/20 vision."

How sure do you think I was when I first formulated that phrase?

Looking around, we are all falling apart when we hitrepparttar 115786 HUGE five-zero, aren't we? After my latest accident, in which I was thrown ofrepparttar 115787 Polaris Magnum 4-wheeler intorepparttar 115788 sand as we hit a knife-blade sand dune andrepparttar 115789 vehicle turned over, landing on us, I hadrepparttar 115790 feeling I was incapable of healing for weeks.

Just minutes prior to that I had felt invincible...Never mind repparttar 115791 wrinkles, thinning gray, yet colored hair, second and third chin, andrepparttar 115792 eyes getting lost inrepparttar 115793 seemingly broadening face...

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