Written by Carol Woods

* Are you trying to promote a web site or online store? * Are you a consultant or small business owner looking for new customers? * Do you have an e-zine and want new subscribers?

Writing articles and sharing them online can be a great way to meet all of these goals!

What to write about: ------------------

Before you actually begin writing, get out a piece of paper and write down your goals forrepparttar articles. Are you trying to bring business to your online store? Do you want to locate new customers for an offline business? Write down specifically what you hope to accomplish.

Next, write downrepparttar 106529 type of people who you are seeking. What type of people are most likely to buy from your store, for example? Are they male or female, young or old, parents or single? Write down as many characteristics of your ideal customer as possible.

Then, look atrepparttar 106530 combination of your objective and your desired customer, and figure out some article topics that would be of interest to a person in your target group.

Heres an example to give you a feel for what Im talking about:

* Goal: bring customers to my online store, which sells birthday items * Ideal Customer: a mother with children between 1 and 10 who is planning a birthday party for her children inrepparttar 106531 next few months. * Topics:

    - How to plan a first birthday party - How to plan a childs birthday party - Kids parties on a budget - Unique party ideas for children - How to have a _ birthday party (dressup, zoo animal, etc etc)

    Write it: ------------------

    Now, start writing your articles!

    Pick one of your topics to start. Develop an outline ofrepparttar 106532 topics you want to cover. Dont pick too many; ideally your article will be only about a page in length.

    Write it! Keep it torepparttar 106533 point, share as much information as you can, and keeprepparttar 106534 paragraphs fairly short. When youre finished, have someone else proofread it if possible.

    Finally, develop a short resource box to place atrepparttar 106535 bottom of all of your articles. This is only 4 - 5 lines, and tells a little about you plus has a link to your web site, an email address, or whatever else you want. If you include some sort of free gift or report for people who click through that will increase your click-through rate.

A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich

Written by John Colanzi

A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich by John Colanzi

The sage Zenrin once said "If you wish to knowrepparttar road up repparttar 106528 mountain, askrepparttar 106529 person who goes back and forth on it."

Sound advice, but are you following it?

If you're like most people, probably not. So who's advice do you listen to?

** Your next door neighbor

** Your barber or hairdresser

** Your mechanic

The list is endless. You get excited about starting your own business andrepparttar 106530 doom and gloom crowd takes pleasure in stomping on your dreams.

Before you listen to them, ask yourself one question. Have they been where you want to go?

Probably not.

So who's advice should you listen to? The men and women who've traveledrepparttar 106531 mountain.

One man who travelledrepparttar 106532 mountain and amassed a fortune inrepparttar 106533 process, was J. Paul Getty.

In his autobiography Getty lists his 10 rules for creating wealth.

What do you think was Mr. Getty's number one rule for getting rich?

You must have your own business. He didn't say get a good job.

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