Loving the Job You’re In

Written by Myrtis Smith

Inrepparttar days of corporate downsizing, a poor economy and relatively high unemployment, many people with jobs may not be inclined to complain about them. Often your job related complaint will be met withrepparttar 125554 statement "just be happy you have a job." If you find yourself in a position where you really don't like what you're doing, but its notrepparttar 125555 right time to move,repparttar 125556 best thing you can do for yourself is learn to makerepparttar 125557 most of your current situation.

So how can you learn to love (or at least like)repparttar 125558 job you’re in? By graspingrepparttar 125559 concept thatrepparttar 125560 present is perfect. You are in your current situation for a reason. If you aren’t ready or able to move beyond it that could be a message that you haven't learned everything you need to learn.

Here are a few ideas to help survive those days when your heart isn’t in it:

1. Remember why you joined your company. There was something about your company that appealed to you when you first joined. Was itrepparttar 125561 product,repparttar 125562 people,repparttar 125563 environment? Ifrepparttar 125564 reason why you joined is no longer there, what can you do to rekindle it?

2. What is your company's reputation? Many individuals are very proud ofrepparttar 125565 company they work for. The company is prestigious inrepparttar 125566 community, a leader in its industry, or treats its employees well. Keeping these things in mind will help keep you mentally afloat when times get tough.

3. Appreciate your co-workers. Going to work everyday is about more than just doing a job and getting a paycheck. You also should be building relationships with your co-workers; these are people you spend 1/3 of your day with, learn about their families.

4. Rememberrepparttar 125567 product andrepparttar 125568 customers. You can take pride inrepparttar 125569 quality and type of product you produce. This is especially obvious if you make medical equipment but what about cars or clothing or toys? All these things help make people lives better and safer. You play an important role in that.

10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

Written by Myrtis Smith

A resume is not meant to be your life story. You do not have to bare your soul and share every ugly detail of your work history. Your resume is your personal sales brochure whose only purpose is to get you an interview. To help show yourself inrepparttar best possible light, carefully choose what you put on and leave off of your resume.

You should (almost) never includerepparttar 125553 following:

1. Dates that reveal your age. Sad to say, but age discrimination is alive and well. Ways to avoid revealing your age include not showingrepparttar 125554 year you graduated from college and not listing all of your work experience (only includerepparttar 125555 most recent years that are most applicable torepparttar 125556 position you are applying for). If you are applying for a position that requires many years of experience, then your age may be an asset, otherwise don't take that chance.

2. Hobbies. Unless your hobby is directly related to your career, it's best to leave it off. Showing too many activities can causerepparttar 125557 employer to worry if they will interfere with your work. In addition,repparttar 125558 space used for discussing your hobbies could be better spent on discussing your skills. The interview may provide you with an opportunity to talk about your hobbies as it provides you with an opportunity to show how well rounded you are.

3. "References available upon request." This is a waste of space. Most often when you fill outrepparttar 125559 job application there will be a place for you to list your references. Userepparttar 125560 space on your resume to discuss job specific information.

4. Generic objectives. Objectives like "To obtain a challenging position in a fortune 500 company" don't say anything. Your objective statement should be custom tailored torepparttar 125561 position andrepparttar 125562 company you are applying for. You can also replace your objective statement with a skills summary or professional summary if you think that will better serve you.

5. Short lived jobs. Employers don't like job hoppers. Most employers want to believe that their employees will be around long enough for them to recouprepparttar 125563 dollars spent on training. Leave off any jobs that you only worked at for a few months. If you worked several jobs with a temporary or contracting agency, listrepparttar 125564 agency as your employer and each job as a project or assignment. Of course when it comes time to fill outrepparttar 125565 job application list all of your employers evenrepparttar 125566 short ones; but by then hopefully you'll already have an interview scheduled where you can then address any concerns or issues.

6. GPA. Once you are more than a couple of years out of college, your GPA becomes fairly irrelevant. The only exception to this may be careers where there is heavy emphasis placed on education; in that case it may do you good to include your GPA or class ranking. But even in those situations, if your GPA was average or low, don't draw attention to that fact by listing it.

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