Loving Without Losing Yourself

Written by Allie Ochs

Loving Without Losing Yourself!

You are in love and this time it is different. You are prepared to do anything to make it last. To prevent this ship from sinking you work hard to steer this relationship into a safe harbor. Inrepparttar process you lose yourself and your romantic relationship becomes all-consuming!

Kyra fell head-over-heels for Dan and went out of her way to create a wonderful relationship. She found herself at hockey games, at parties with his friends and on vacations with his family. At home, things were not much different. Kyra cooked his favorite meals, kept houserepparttar 101371 way he wanted and listened to music of his choice. On Dan’s advice, she cut her hair short, wore less make-up and a conservative wardrobe. For Dan, this relationship was perfect. She had adapted to his lifestyle, defended his views and even began to talk like him. Kyra’s friends witnessed her change from a spirited and happy woman to a subdued and pleasing personality. This relationship had suckedrepparttar 101372 life out of Kyra, yet she wasrepparttar 101373 last to notice.

While compromise in a relationship is necessary, denyingrepparttar 101374 core of who you are is not. When you finally realize that an all-consuming relationship is depleting you, there will be nothing left but resentment. It will be difficult to reclaim yourself while remaining in that same relationship. The outcome of such a relationship is usually a heart-breaking crisis, with no one but you to blame.

The opposite of an all-consuming relationship is a half-hearted relationship. In this relationship one or both withhold affection untilrepparttar 101375 evidence is in thatrepparttar 101376 other is hooked. I love you, if you love me first has become a common trend. Fearing that you will give more love than you receive, you put your partner on probation. You judge according to your expectations and keep track of his or her scores. The higherrepparttar 101377 scores,repparttar 101378 more you are willing to love. This conditional view creates tremendous emotional insecurity.

All-consuming or halfhearted relationships are unhealthy and both types are guided by fear. In an all-consuming relationship, fear of not being loved isrepparttar 101379 driving force. In a halfhearted relationship, fear of being hurt prevents you from knocking down protective walls.To you love wholeheartedly without losing yourself requires a very different perspective of relationships. Even though you know that relationships require work, deep down you cling to a sweet illusion that meetingrepparttar 101380 right person is all it takes. You will then take off on your magic carpet ride. Think again! Soon that magic rug will be pulled from underneath you.

All About Paintballs

Written by Tim Bach

All About Paintballs

Paintballs are gelatin capsules filled with a water-soluble marking dye. The dye inside is non-toxic, meaning that if you swallow it, it will not hurt you. However,repparttar taste is not very pleasant.

Paintballs are manufactured by many different companies. As with most things, paintballs can be either low quality, or high quality. Of course, paintballs also come in a variety of colors. Paintballs can also be bought in many different quantities, with just as many variations of prices.

Most paintball fields require you to purchase and use their paint. This is how they make their money. Therefore, in most cases, brand and quality ofrepparttar 101370 paint will not be deciding factors.

The best way to determine which brand/quantity/quality of paintballs you should buy is to know how you will be using those paintballs. If you are usingrepparttar 101371 paintballs for practice, you naturally will want to go withrepparttar 101372 cheapest paintballs. Quality will not matter much in this instance.

If you will be usingrepparttar 101373 paintballs for rec-ball, again, quality is not quite as important, and you may want to go withrepparttar 101374 cheapest price. However, if you will be usingrepparttar 101375 paintballs for tournament play, quality matters a great deal. You want paintballs that will not break easily inside your gun or in transit. Atrepparttar 101376 same time, you do want paintballs that will break easily when they hit an opponent. Many tournaments will require you to userepparttar 101377 paint that they are selling. Tournament grade balls tend to be resistant to “wiping”, meaning thatrepparttar 101378 paint is harder to wipe off. This discourages cheating.

You must also purchaserepparttar 101379 right size paintballs for your gun. Paintballs sizes are measured in calibers. The most common caliber ofrepparttar 101380 barrel on a paint gun is .68. However, it is important that you checkrepparttar 101381 documentation that comes with your gun to make sure you knowrepparttar 101382 correct caliber of your gun’s barrel, therefore enabling you to purchaserepparttar 101383 correct caliber paintballs.

Both paintballs and paint ball gun barrels range in sizes from .67 to .71 calibers. Just because your gun requires a .68 caliber paintball, does not necessarily mean that this isrepparttar 101384 best caliber for your gun. Paintballs are not perfectly round. You will need to experiment with different sizes, close torepparttar 101385 caliber your gun calls for. It may be that a .67 caliber paintball works best in your gun, even if your barrel bore is .68. An easy test to see if a paintball will work in your gun is to putrepparttar 101386 ball in one end ofrepparttar 101387 barrel. If it rolls out on its own, it is too small. It is a good fit if you can easily blow it out ofrepparttar 101388 barrel. If you cannot easily blow it out, it is too big.

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