Love is in the air-Science too!

Written by K.A.Cassimally

Ah… love! What a wonderful thing. The meaning of life itself, isn’t it? Artists, poets and play writers have maderepparttar greatest progress in humanity’s understanding of love. So what’s love doing in a science column? Well lately scientists have managed to get themselves included inrepparttar 127636 restricted group of love-explainers.

Scientists now think that love is nothing else but a series of chemical reactions in people.

If you are in love with someone then you are also in love with that person’s genes subconsciously. More surprising still-if there is anything more astonishing that this last ‘fact’-is that not only do your eyes work when you see a perfect partner but so does your nose-and of course heart. Smell apparently plays an important role inrepparttar 127637 attraction between two persons. You are in fact attracted to a person who is more like your own parents not only physically speaking but also olfactory speaking. This chosen person of your heart is alsorepparttar 127638 chosen person of your nose!

Many external appearances will prove that you are well and truly in love. Flushed cheeks, racing heart beat and clammy hands are only a few examples. ‘Inside’repparttar 127639 body though, there are other definite signs that Cupid has passed by.

Helen Fisher of Rutgers University is one ofrepparttar 127640 most respected researchers inrepparttar 127641 field. She proposed that people fall in love in 3 different stages.

Stage 1: Lust Lust is driven byrepparttar 127642 sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen. Testosterone, as many readers might have thought, is not only found in men. In fact it plays a major role in women’s sex drive.

Hair Plug Horror - Revisiting Standard Punch Graft

Written by Maggie Kay

Standard punch grafting isrepparttar procedure responsible for givingrepparttar 127635 hair restoration industry a bad name. Unrefined in technique and esthetically displeasing in appearance, standard punch grafting isrepparttar 127636 old “hair plug” method that was popularized inrepparttar 127637 1980s.

This hair transplant procedure involved removing skin fromrepparttar 127638 front ofrepparttar 127639 scalp to make room forrepparttar 127640 large plugs (about 4mm) that were to be implanted. The plugs contained many hair follicles and gave an unnatural, obvious look torepparttar 127641 hairline and scalp. Hair plugs wererepparttar 127642 standard form of hair restoration for many years.

The Problems with Standard Punch Grafts There are many negative aspects associated withrepparttar 127643 hair plug procedure:

- Hair plugs contain about 15-35 hairs each and arerepparttar 127644 size of pencil erasers, givingrepparttar 127645 scalp an unattractive, “corn row” look. - Only a small number of hair follicles take root afterrepparttar 127646 plug is transplanted because many ofrepparttar 127647 follicles are severed during removal fromrepparttar 127648 donor area. This is damaging torepparttar 127649 patient because it destroys precious hair follicles. - Punch grafts leave large wounds onrepparttar 127650 scalp which increasesrepparttar 127651 length ofrepparttar 127652 recovery period. This limits surgeons to perform only 20 to 50 grafts each sitting, thereby prolongingrepparttar 127653 hair restoration process to many sessions.

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