I have decided to declare 2004 as YEAR OF HAPPINESS for me. What about you? Yes, you can also do so! Anyone living in any part of world has right to be happy and enjoy every moment of his/her life. There is no harm in declaring year 2004 as Year of Happiness for All Mankind. You cannot bring happiness to your life unless you decide to be happy. This is most important decision of your life which you must take now with a firm commitment with yourself. Think, how great you will look, when you will bring smile to your face and happiness to your life.
Once decided to be happy and declare 2004 as Year of Happiness, you put yourself on path which leads to a happy, healthy and succcessful life. You put all your abilities and energies to work for you to bring happiness into your life and you really do not know what wonders you can do. Give yourself an opportunity to prove that you can live a happy life.
If there is one reason to be unhappy, there may be ten reasons to be happy. Why allow unhappiness to overcome happiness. Why not look for opportunities to be happy rather than making excuses to be unhappy. There is absolutely no reason in keeping oneself unhappy over petty things and unrelated matters.
Most patients prolong their illness simply because they do not realize that their condition is improving which is a matter of happiness for them. They rather keep on feeling pain and complaining. This type of negative attitude of patients certainly delays recovery from illness. People must know that happiness is best medicine which cures many diseases.