Love Never Fails

Written by Joyce C. Lock

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

Luke 23:24

How many times do you suppose we've hurt people and not realized it; to have reacted without thought; to have deemed another not ready, worthy, capable, or spiritual enough; to have picked our favorite over another; to have excluded one who didn't measure up; to sit by one more attractive, popular, or fun; to have been in such a hurry to greet one that we bypassed another; to have closed our heart to someone whose words we didn't want to hear; to think we've done God a favor by getting rid of someone we thought difficult, different, or wrong?

How many times do you suppose this prayer has been prayed for us, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do?" Were we to ask God to open our eyes, to see ourselves as He sees us; to examine our heart, actions, attitudes, and motives ... God would be faithful to show us how we are hurting His cause.

Oh, Brother!

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Sticks and stones may break my bones.

But, words come back to haunt me.

When we're not right with ourselves,

We’re not right withrepparttar world,

And we're not right with our God.

It happens torepparttar 122773 best of us,

Brings outrepparttar 122774 worst in us,

And affectsrepparttar 122775 rest of us.

When we tend to our soul,

The tongue takes care of itself.

~ * ~

A perfect world is a world without sin.

A perfect church isrepparttar 122776 one you're not in.

A mirror is only as beautiful as its reflection.

God so loved us that we could love each other.

Changing your world begins in your heart.

~ * ~

God isn't too proud to rummage through garbage dumps,

As some of His best handiwork is made out of junk.

God didn't call us to be someone else.

If we take two steps forward and one step back,

We are still going forward.

It makes no difference how one is qualified,

As faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it.

For, it is God who builds HIS church.

God makes all things beautiful, in His time.

Isn't it about time we let Him?

If you want to know what Jesus would do,

Just ask yourself, "Is it Love?"

~ * ~

It would help us all to consider that

(Anytime we are not listening forrepparttar 122777 Spirit,

Walking inrepparttar 122778 Spirit, followingrepparttar 122779 Spirit)

We are sitting on God's throne.

When God decides a matter,

The first place He will start is not uponrepparttar 122780 circumstance.

He looks uponrepparttar 122781 heart.

Know what you believe because you heard it from God.

Man looks onrepparttar 122782 outward appearance, butrepparttar 122783 Lord looks onrepparttar 122784 heart.

Except God gives usrepparttar 122785 ability to see man's heart, we're way out of our league.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged," is a pretty specific warning for us all.

Not forgetting we're also human,

Why not give others a break and love them anyway?

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