Love Empire Dating Tip - Writing a Profile With Spark

Written by Frank Duru

A profile is an online representation of yourself so why not representrepparttar best parts of you? There are four areas of a profile that you should keep in mind: honesty, creativity, research, writing. By mastering these areas, you will be able to write an excellent and self-elevating profile that can capture anyone’s attention.

Part One: Honesty

Always be honest withrepparttar 139375 readers of your profile; remember that you andrepparttar 139376 others onrepparttar 139377 site are searching for that special someone--how can a relationship grow when there is deceit fromrepparttar 139378 beginning? Speak candidly about who you are and what you are looking for. Then, at least you will know that, when someone messages you, they are genuinely interested. Putting up a pretense will only summon people who are interested in your lies; this will not build a solid relationship. Being honest doesn’t mean to be sell yourself short; you don’t have to dwell on your faults and misgivings. Showcase your good qualities (just don’t exaggerate).

Part Two: Creativity

Nothing can turn a potential relationship sour more than a dull profile. There are thousands upon thousands of people looking forrepparttar 139379 exact same thing you are: a genuine connection. You must be able to catch their attention. Try to avoid using phrases like “Looking for Mr. Perfect” or “In Search Of That Special Lady” or descriptions like “hard-working”, “romantic” and “attractive”. These are all cliche and overdone. Spice your profile up with original ideas! Show off your strengths. Give your readers anecdotes or narratives that display you in a good light. Get yourself a thesaurus. As silly as this may sound, a thesaurus can help you avoid using words that have been used too many times before. Do not use letters to describe yourself; for example, SWF (single white female) can mean a variety of things to a variety of people. Don’t limit yourself to this.

"The Saboteur Within"

Written by Dr Robert Anthony

"Why You Don’t Have What You Really Want"

Lets face it, most of us from time to time feel that life is just one big struggle with a series of never ending problems. Yet repparttar truth is that life does not have to be this way. In fact, it can be justrepparttar 139141 opposite. Life is not about struggle and overcoming problems. Life is about pursuing and creating what we truly desire in an easy, stress-free manner.

Is there something in your life that you want, but it seems to elude you?

Why is it such a struggle to createrepparttar 139142 things we want?

In short, if you don't have what you want (you name it) your subconscious holds some contradictory intentions for you.

To put it simply, you want something and it doesn’t.

For example you may say, “I want more money.”, but your dominant subconscious belief may be, “Earningrepparttar 139143 amount of money I want is very difficult”.

Notice anything different about these two statements?

They are going in different directions. So after years of frustrating and contradictory messages you still don't have what you want.

What is really happening is that your conscious and subconscious are almost always in conflict. You consciously say, "I want more money" and then after listening, your subconscious says, "No matter what you do, it is too difficult to create that amount of money". As a result there is no agreement between your conscious and subconscious. When this happens they cancel each other out and give up on assisting you to create what you would like to have in your life.

What is critical to understand isrepparttar 139144 competition, conflicting agendas, and disharmony between your conscious and subconscious is keeping what you from having what you desire.


Because when your conscious and subconscious are not in agreement they produce negative emotion. And it is that negative emotion or energy that attractsrepparttar 139145 things you don’t want.

Let me explain to you what is really happening.

Every thought is received byrepparttar 139146 brain, which isrepparttar 139147 organ ofrepparttar 139148 conscious mind. It is here that it is subjected to our power of reasoning. Whenrepparttar 139149 conscious or objective mind has been satisfied thatrepparttar 139150 thought is true, it is sent torepparttar 139151 subconscious mind to be brought intorepparttar 139152 world of reality through quantum physics orrepparttar 139153 law of attraction.

It is no longer susceptible to any argument whatsoever. The subconscious mind cannot argue. It only acts. It acceptsrepparttar 139154 conclusions ofrepparttar 139155 conscious mind as final. This isrepparttar 139156 point at whichrepparttar 139157 uncreated becomesrepparttar 139158 created,repparttar 139159 universal becomes individualized, andrepparttar 139160 invisible becomes visible.

Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency. That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, throughrepparttar 139161 Law of Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing or circumstance that has a vibrational match or is vibrating atrepparttar 139162 same frequency.

Your subconscious mind cooperates complete with your conscious mind when it understands and agrees with what you consciously want. In other words, when you conscious and subconscious are not in conflict.

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