Losing momentum while others plan ahead?

Written by Mike Hayden

CONTENTS: 1. Are you losing momentum while others plan ahead? 2. Is your brainstorming gettingrepparttar action you want? 3. Are you starting your new employeesrepparttar 103583 right way? 4. Are you maintaining your documentation correctly? 5. Call to Action.

============================================================ 1. Are you losing momentum while others plan ahead? ============================================================

Now isrepparttar 103584 best time for you to create your 2nd-half 2003 action plans.

Just go to my website and request my F*R*E*E Executive / Manager's Preference Workbook. http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com

This Executive / Manager's Preference Workbook will help you evaluate and sort three important areas:

* Key areas of business development you judge most important; * Critical items in those key areas you consider most relevant; and, * The sequence you want these key areas and critical items handled.

Don't wait! Download your F*R*E*E Executive / Manager's Preference Workbook, today! http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com

Immediate action produces immediate results!

============================================================ 2. Is your brainstorming gettingrepparttar 103585 action you want? ============================================================

I got disgusted with trash-TV and went to Border's Books for coffee and reading. I bought an awesome book called, "Magical Worlds ofrepparttar 103586 Wizard of Ads," by Roy H. Williams.

Roy has written several "Wizard" books, which I will read in time. This book has 101 chapters - but usually each chapter has just two easy-to-read pages. Each chapter is a gem.

Here's a quotation from his chapter called, How to Facilitate Brainstorming.

"Extraverts invented brainstorming. Stimulated by things external to them, extraverts 'talk to think.' ...more than half of our population are introverted [who] 'think to talk.' ...preferring to tell you only what they have already thought about. Consequently, introverts typically sit quietly through brainstorming sessions...

"...To have an awesome brainstorming session, just send everyone a detailed note twenty-four hours ahead. ... Extraverts will seerepparttar 103587 note only as an invitation... introverts will interpretrepparttar 103588 note as a work assignment and begin formulating thoughts..."

============================================================ 3. Are you starting your new employeesrepparttar 103589 right way? ============================================================

Here's another quotation from Roy's chapter called, Experience Must First Be A Verb.

"Duringrepparttar 103590 first hour of their first day onrepparttar 103591 job, my friend Richard Kessler tells every new employee:

'When you're helping a customer of this company, always remember that you ARErepparttar 103592 company. When a decision needs to be made, make it. Do what you believe is right. Nine times out of ten, you're going to make a fabulous decision. One time in ten, I'm going to wish that you had done something different. Backing you up on those decisions isrepparttar 103593 price that I'm willing to pay to getrepparttar 103594 other nine decisions from you. Never, ever be afraid to do what you truly believe is right.'"


(No, I don't earn a commission or win a microwave oven when you buy a book!)

You can subscribe to Roy's excellent weekly email newsletter at: http://www.wizardofads.com

============================================================ 4. Are you maintaining your documentation correctly? ============================================================

As I've said in many eZines, you must write stuff down.

The other day, an interviewer asked,

"How many pages you written?"

"Somewhere around 30,000 pages delivered, not including thousands of draft pages."

"You must love writing!"

"Not really."

"Then what...?"

"I don't love writing per se. I loverepparttar 103595 applications. I loverepparttar 103596 results. In writing, you can create, let's say,repparttar 103597 first level of reality. By writing, you can begin to give intangible ideas form inrepparttar 103598 physical universe.

"Can you imagine how many people discoveredrepparttar 103599 secret of fire and didn't write it down? The news had to spread by 'tribal knowledge!'

"How many times didrepparttar 103600 secret vanish because some fire-novice asphyxiated himself and family? How many times do think some do-gooder banned fire due to its dangers?

"It probably took eons to discover that secret - over and over!

"Eventually, I suppose, someone wroterepparttar 103601 secret on a cave wall or cocktail napkin..."


"Planning to write is not writing. Outlining... researching... talking to people about what you're doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing." -- E.L. Doctorow


Anyway, when you write stuff down, you'll eventually need to update it. (I'll talk here about large, important documents - Operations Manuals, Technical Manuals, User Manuals, or mayberepparttar 103602 secret of fire and how to control it.)

"Mike, what have you learned overrepparttar 103603 years about maintaining documentation?"

Well, large documentation projects have their own "life cycle." This cycle extends from conception to obsolescence.

When you develop large-scale documents, you'll typically iterate throughrepparttar 103604 following:

1. Requirements. Includes definition, statement of goals, preliminary analysis, functional specifications, and design constraints.

2. Design. Includes outline definition, format definition, etc.

3. Implementation. Requires writing, editing, integration of various components, and proofing.

4. Testing. Includes verification and evaluation againstrepparttar 103605 requirements.


But wait! There's another phase I call Documentation Maintenance! It begins after you deliver your documentation to your user.

You can divide Documentation Maintenance intorepparttar 103606 following steps: ___ Determine need for change ___ Submit Change Request ___ Review Proposed Changes ___ Analyze requirements ___ Approve/Reject Change Request ___ Schedule task(s) ___ Review and Analyze Design ___ Write and Edit ___ Test ___ Verify against Standards ___ User Acceptance

Small Business Tax Tips - Product Review of Tax Reduction Toolkit

Written by Mike Matthews

Small Business Tax Tips Product Review – Wayne M Davies’ Tax Reduction Toolkit

Product Review – Introduction Product Review – What I liked Product Review – What I didn’t like Product Review – Best Features Summary Table of Contents – Seven Sections – 29 Tax Tips Final Comments and Pricing (under $40) Suggested Books & Reference URLs Previewrepparttar ‘Tax Reduction Toolkit’ at: http://www.yousaveontaxes.com/toolkit.html?hop=msbjcoc ___________________________________________________________

Product Review by Mike Matthews

Introduction The author ofrepparttar 103582 ‘Tax Reduction Toolkit’ is Wayne M Davies. He is a Tax Professional serving small businesses and self-employed individuals and also provides small business tax tips on his web site. To start, this product is specifically designed forrepparttar 103583 small business or self-employed individual who want (or need) small business tax tips. If you plan to become self-employed (even part-time), then this is a helpful product review. However, if you are not currently self-employed and you don’t plan to become self-employed, then this product review won’t provide many tax tips that will benefit you.

If you’re like me, I enjoy learning and I am constantly looking for small business tax tips. In most years, I use Intuit’s Turbo Tax to complete my own taxes and this software helps identify potential deductions. I’ll also surfrepparttar 103584 Internet for small business tax tips and I have purchased a few books onrepparttar 103585 subject from my local bookstore. I’ve never used an ebook fromrepparttar 103586 Internet, but I was surprisingly pleased with this ebook from Wayne M Davies.

Whilerepparttar 103587 140+ page ebook contains seven sections,repparttar 103588 main benefit of this ebook isrepparttar 103589 section that describesrepparttar 103590 29 specific small business tax tips. One ofrepparttar 103591 most important points is a self-employed individual can take advantage of many tax saving opportunities that a regular employee cannot utilize. Wayne’s book provides many different interesting charts and data points and one ofrepparttar 103592 most interesting is that Americans spend about 32% of our total income on taxes. One ofrepparttar 103593 ways to save on taxes is to first understand how big your current tax burden is on your overall income. His ebook, Tax Reduction Toolkit, is an easy read, well thought out and contains some solid ideas on small business tax tips. Unlike other articles and books I’ve read onrepparttar 103594 subject on how to save on your taxes, Wayne’s ebook contained specific examples and describes them in layman’s terms.

Feel free to take a sneak peek at his website before proceeding withrepparttar 103595 review and also to make surerepparttar 103596 pricing is still under $40*. Visit: http://www.yousaveontaxes.com/toolkit.html?hop=msbjcoc

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I liked: I like his 29 specific small business tax tips. Often you’ll read materials that only give a broad generalization on how to save money on your taxes, and they can be both difficult to understand and even more difficult to apply to your situation. Wayne provides 29 specific tips on how small businesses and self-employed individuals can save on their taxes.

He offers to critique 4 past income tax returns and offers a free 60-minute phone consultation on other small business tax tips as part of this package.

See more of ‘What I liked’ by checking outrepparttar 103597 full review at: http://www.your-key-to-success.com/article_mm_fs_smallbusinesstaxtips.html

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I didn’t like: There were a few things that didn’t provide much benefit in my situation and I’ve listed them below.

This ebook is only for self-employed individuals and will be of little or no benefit to regular employees. (It might make encourage you to start a small business, even if it is only part-time to take advantage of these small business tips).

The section on deducting your vacation expenses wasn’t helpful since I’ve heard about this one quite a few times. If you are unfamiliar with this potential deduction, then this small business tax tip might help you.

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