Losing Site of Your Goals ... Determining your Vision from your actions!

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Inrepparttar fury of trying to accomplish our goals, we tend to lose site of our Vision. We get so caught up in "doing things" that we forget why we're doing them. Inrepparttar 123232 process, we lose hope, lose drive, and end up running in a circle trying to find our "reason" again. In our circular dance, we fill inrepparttar 123233 gaps with unnecessary activities, or "busy work", to make us feel as though we're moving forward. Instead, we're merely weighting ourselves down further to create a wall around our newly developed "comfort zone".

This cycle is actually more common than not as we all get caught up inrepparttar 123234 moment and forget about our ultimate objective, or Vision. We all require a target at which to aim so that we can determine which activities are necessary and which are "busy work". Keep an eye onrepparttar 123235 objective while working onrepparttar 123236 goals that will get you there, else, get lost inrepparttar 123237 shuffle and end up onrepparttar 123238 wrong path.

In some of my clients' cases, we have to work backward to find their underlying Vision fromrepparttar 123239 morass of activities in which they are involved. The approach allows us to determine why they're so lost and why they're working so hard. Ultimately, we're able to extract their Vision from their activities. We then adjust their Vision to suite their desires and strip offrepparttar 123240 excess activities that serve little purpose in moving them forward. Byrepparttar 123241 time we've evaluated their situation, they find thatrepparttar 123242 stresses in their lives fall away, along withrepparttar 123243 unnecessary tasks that have kept them so isolated and busy.

Why You Must Stay On Course

Written by Marquez Comelab

“After speaking with a lot of people who are disappointed trying to make something out of their ‘passions’, Marquez Comelab releases his first of a series of articles, saying that despiterepparttar cycle of frustrations experienced by artists and entertainers, there are reasons why they should stay on course.”

I believe that all of us want to express something: an idea, a theory, an opinion or a statement. I also believe thatrepparttar 123231 majority of human beings would love to be creative inrepparttar 123232 expression of these ideas, theories and statements. Creativity permeates in everything our mind does and is challenged to do. I am certain that if givenrepparttar 123233 chance, most or all of us would love a career inrepparttar 123234 creative and entertainment industry because it is there where we can express ourselves inrepparttar 123235 most creative of ways.

Thus, there are many of us who are into art, acting, music, photography, modeling, writing, designing or crafts. We enjoy doing these for many unique combinations of reasons and it would be ideal if we could do it for a living forrepparttar 123236 rest of our lives. Why do we need to go to work every day, doing something we do not really like as opposed to something that we do enjoy?

So if one has something: a talent, an innate skill, or even simply years of knowledge and experience in one ofrepparttar 123237 arts of expression, it would seem to be a waste if all of a sudden, that person decides to stop dreaming and hoping altogether.

At any point in time, an individual inrepparttar 123238 creative and entertainment industry can be categorized into one ofrepparttar 123239 three groups described below:

1) Those who have given up onrepparttar 123240 idea: This group may have already conceded that being say, a rock star was just their teenage dream and that their hours of singing and songwriting had its purpose. However, for it to be a career now would already be too late: now that they are married or now that they have children, etc… etc. If we are not careful, we may stay in this phase forrepparttar 123241 rest of our lives and always wonder what might have been and perhaps even become bitter because of it without even knowing why.

2) Those who are still hopeful but are not doing anything about their goals presently but would like to get back to them later on: They are doing something else now, like selling, working in a call center, or maybe even managing a manufacturing plant, however they are not setting aside time, money and effort to their goal of being able to create music or take photographs for a living. They can always go back to it later, I suppose, 'when there's a bit more time'. Perhaps after they get married, afterrepparttar 123242 first child, afterrepparttar 123243 second child, after they get promoted or after they pay their debts, whatever their unique circumstances may be.

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