Looking for a new idea: Here's one

Written by Loring A. Windblad

This compilation of information is Copyright March 2005 by http://www.organicgreens.us, and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text, including this header, intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos.

So you’re looking for an opportunity and you’d like to make it a Homebased business – one that you can work from home or be free to move about and not stuck inrepparttar confines and withrepparttar 100208 restrictions of an office five days a week.

How about something so new it was “just invented” in 2000. So new that it wasn’t even available in Canada,repparttar 100209 US and Europe until 2002. So new that practical uses for it, including uses of a commercial nature, are just beginning to make themselves known.

That’s only three years – or a little less.

So what am I talking about?

I’m talking aboutrepparttar 100210 “picture taking cell-phone”.

What? You can’t see any practical use for a “picture taking cell phone” except as an invasion of someone’s privacy, and you definitely don’t want it to be your privacy? Well, I can’t disagree with that, but consider these uses as a starting point:

·In Sweden recently a burglary attempt was photographed onrepparttar 100211 store owners cell phone camera, circulated torepparttar 100212 police andrepparttar 100213 criminal apprehended within a half hour. * ·In Wales doctors have been experimenting with a system to speed diagnosis of fractures by sending photos of X-rays to consultants to get a second opinion in minutes. * ·Inrepparttar 100214 US mobile-phone service providers are setting up electronic photo albums where customers can display pictures taken with phone-cams. * ·In January 2003, showstudio.com, a fashion-news web site, used phones to beam photos from Paris fashion shows, producing almost-live coverage ofrepparttar 100215 catwalks and scoopingrepparttar 100216 competition. * ·BBC News Online now accepts photographs of news events from readers. * ·Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution, predicts phonecams and similar technology will changerepparttar 100217 news landscape. *

Affiliate Marketing - Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It

Written by Elaine Currie

Affiliate Marketing - Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It

There are many opportunities to make money working onrepparttar Internet. Becoming an affiliate marketer is a great way of having your own online business. Here are ten excellent reasons why you should choose affiliate marketing for your home based business.

1. Be Your Own Boss - What a magical ring that phrase has to it! This is my absolute favourite reason for being an affiliate marketer. Actually, it is my top reason for having any home based business.

2. Low cost set-up - Most affiliate programmes are free to join, so all you need to start your business is an Internet-connected computer and word-processing software. You can work from absolutely anywhere inrepparttar 100207 world and it makes no difference whether you have a cosy office or work from a corner of your kitchen table.

3. No shipping costs - You don't need to worry about paying for postage or buying packing stuff such as boxes, wrapping paper, parcel tape, labels and so on. You never have to struggle with carrying heavy packages torepparttar 100208 post office. The cost and bother of packing and shipping products to customers belongs torepparttar 100209 merchant, notrepparttar 100210 affiliate.

4. Choice of thousands of products and services - All you have to do is decide what you want to sell (and, of course, what you think people will want to buy), just about everything is available online. With affiliate directories like Clickbank it's easy to find products to sell.

5. No merchant account or invoicing software required - You can forgetrepparttar 100211 problems associated with invoicing, collecting payments and processing credit cards. The merchant handles all payment processing; as an affiliate, you never have to worry about chargebacks, fraud or losing your merchant account.

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