Look Where You Want to Go

Written by Paula Gregorowicz

When I first started inrepparttar sport of cycling about 9 years ago, I was very nervous about hitting things I didn’t want to – trees, holes, rocks, drainage grates, or pillars depending on whether I was riding onrepparttar 129006 road or on a trail. The thing I noticed was that if I focused onrepparttar 129007 obstacle by looking down at it, more often than not I hit it. Of course, this convinced me even more that I needed to be ultra safe or I’d be doomed (much likerepparttar 129008 mother in A Christmas Story who is convinced Ralphie will “shoot his eye out” if he getsrepparttar 129009 BB Gun), I continued to concentrate even harder onrepparttar 129010 obstacle. You can guess what happened. I hit more rocks, holes, and tree roots while narrowly avoidingrepparttar 129011 really painful obstacles like poles, trees, and cars (thank goodness). It didn’t take me long to figure out both by trial and error and by reading bicycling magazines that you need to look where you want to go, not where you don’t want to go. Alas,repparttar 129012 moment I started looking ahead ofrepparttar 129013 obstacle and envisioning a clear, clean line to ride pastrepparttar 129014 obstacle, miraculously I breezed by without incident. As I got more experienced I not only could do this consistently, I could do it effortlessly without a death grip and body tension fueled by fear.

While you may not want to ever put your behind on a saddle and pedal along on two wheels, you probably do want to move through your life in a manner that makes it easier to move pastrepparttar 129015 inevitable obstacles alongrepparttar 129016 way. And, when you find yourself in an unwanted situation where you’re temporarily in a bowl of pits instead of a bowl full of cherries, you can use this skill to keeprepparttar 129017 faith and move up and out ofrepparttar 129018 hole.

As you can see fromrepparttar 129019 bicycling example, your energy flows torepparttar 129020 very thing on which you are focused. As a result, you get more of that particular thing; inrepparttar 129021 case of ridingrepparttar 129022 bike, you get impact with a physical obstacle and an unpleasant ride. Conversely, if you look where you want to go and focus your energies there, you give more power torepparttar 129023 very thing you desire resulting in a more effortless and enjoyable ride.

What Is The Value In Wanting To Accomplish Something?

Written by Darryl R. Robinson

What Is The Value In Wanting To Accomplish Something?

By Darryl R. Robinson

When I listen to people tell me about some ofrepparttar things they want to do, I pause for two reasons. One isrepparttar 129003 fact that I’m listening and watching them to see if they are serious within themselves. Secondly, if it’s something they really believe that they can accomplish.

Can dreams come true? You better believe they can. But life is much more than dreaming. It’s about desire and believing. What is it that YOU desire? Do you “believe” YOU can accomplish it?

If you don’t desire and believe than there is no use in wasting your time. There are many in this world that are simply followers and not leaders. However, if YOU are a leader, then what’s stopping you?

You want but you don’t have. You desire, yet your still only dreaming. Yes you want to, but what are you doing about it? Why is it that I don’t hear these people say what they’re going to do rather than what they want to?

Well I’ve been there done that, so I can relate. First let me tell you that there’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer. I still dream, desire, and believe that my dreams are well within my grasp. Today however I am more than a dreamer and you can be as well.

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