Look Into My Eyes - new webcam technology

Written by Robert Palmer

If a new webcam technology from Microsoft getrepparttar go-ahead, then instant messaging could get a whole lot more interesting.

Currently under development atrepparttar 118675 Microsoft research labs in Cambridge, England,repparttar 118676 new webcam, i2i consists of two lenses, which carefully follows an individual's movement. Using an exclusively developed algorithm to cleverly blend what each lens is seeing, resulting inrepparttar 118677 creation of an accurate stereo "cylopean" image.

All very technical, but forrepparttar 118678 18.5 million people (source Microsoft) who regularly use webcams while they are using instant messengers, i2i means that it will appear as if users are looking into each others eyes.

Antonio Criminisi, lead researcher of Microsoft's Machine Learning and Perception Group, said.

"We were able to come up with an algorithm that was able to take two images and capture a corresponding map in 3D. Using this powerful technology, we can now synthetically create an image as ifrepparttar 118679 person is looking straight into your eyes."

According to Dr Criminisi,repparttar 118680 biggest challenge forrepparttar 118681 backroom boys at Microsoft was in calculating howrepparttar 118682 visual brain works. In particular, how it sees and sorts out colors, shapes and distances.

"Essentially, what we have done is replace human eyes with cameras andrepparttar 118683 human brain with a computer."

Confessions of a Newbie...

Written by Karenann Barron

The discovery ofrepparttar autoresponder.

After purchasing a family computer inrepparttar 118674 big post Christmas sales we were all estatic! The teenager was thinking e-mail, games, e-mail,repparttar 118675 pre-teen, our middle child was explaining to us all how to userepparttar 118676 computer because she "was bought up around computers" and being a nine year old girl, she knows everything. The wee fellow played withrepparttar 118677 boxes and Dad got on with makingrepparttar 118678 thing work. Meanwhile I sat back and mapped out my plans of online riches.

Finally after three long weeksrepparttar 118679 holidays were over. They were gone, out of my hair, my online empire could begin. I spent a few days looking, not daring to give my e-mail address just in case I caught a virus. Then one day while I was looking at a site, a little box appeared, it said that I had been chosen to apply for an exciting, new, innovative opportunity that was going to takerepparttar 118680 net by storm. All I had to do was submit my e-mail address for further information. Well I freaked out, I jumped up, do I do it?, could I do it?, what happens if I don't do it?, what happens if I do? After much discussion with myself I decided to go for it, I gave out my e-mail address. Next, of course I went to my mailbox and blow me down there was a reply. Wow, they must really want me, Im thinking, I amrepparttar 118681 wo man. I happily filled outrepparttar 118682 appropriate boxes and replyed. I did this all day. I followedrepparttar 118683 very clever path thatrepparttar 118684 very clever marketer led me on. Byrepparttar 118685 time I went to pick uprepparttar 118686 children, I could see myself driving my dream car. I had never had a dream car before, but I had one that day.

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