When strong emotions such as love, faith, anger, and hate are mixed in
form of a passion for something one strongly believes in, they create a driving force that will move mountains, calm storms, cure disease, cause destruction and acts of violence that defy explanation. Get To The Bottom Of It!
What causes a passion for something so strong that brings about these types of ambitions? The strongest passion of all I believe is love. So, if
love is present, what empowers it? If it's hate, what empowers it?
Someone can have a destructive passion, in
name of love, and cause events like 9/11. What ever
force is, for
sake of this article, let's call it go-power.
motivation is love or hate,
intensity of
go-power behind it is
driving force that makes it happen. Go-Power is
inner urge that gives action to all worthwhile emotions and destructive ones.
Go-Power can be used to acquire riches, health, happiness, and to do good for others. It can be used to hurt others. Whether good or bad,
inspiration to action will motivate someone to act in a manner that is consistent with their habits.
Letter Perfect!
You've heard it said, "Seek and you shall find". This is a universal truth and it applies to seeking love, knowledge, wisdom, and all
desirable things this world has to offer. Someone could also seek and find all
insane things this world has to offer.
What motivates a person to pursue
insane things? Without getting into stuff that is way out in left field, let's just say in one word, habit! We are creatures of habit and habit is
underlying go-power that keeps it alive and perpetuating itself in our lives. Whatever it is!
The famous Psychologist William James said, "If we act as if we feel in any given way, in time, our feelings will catch up to our actions." When that happens, you have formed a habit that will be part of your personality and character and, stronger than a garlic milkshake.
The time period for this habit to form is between 20 and 30 days. And, if that time has passed, it'll hair-lip bear creek before you break it. Once it becomes a habit, you break it or change it with a different action of 20 to 30 days.
I know this is going to be controversial, but I'm going to say it anyway. You can change any feeling you have, any habit you dislike, and any response you exhibit during a stressful moment, just by performing an action that is just
opposite of
former and, keeping that action for 20-30 days!
Their Tower Of Strength!
We use
same principle to teach pilots and astronauts. They can't always see what's out there, so they are trained to believe whatever their instruments tell them. And, then they act on it. If their instruments tell them
moon is made of green cheese, they believe it. That's habit!
When your right hand doesn't know what your left hand is doing, you've formed a habit. When you can do something, something good hopefully, without thinking, you've formed a habit.
Ask anyone who smokes why they reach for a cigarette right after a meal or a drink. Their mind is programmed with a habit that their body is in agreement with. The more
body does it,
habit becomes. The stronger
habit becomes,
body does it.
So, whether
act is desirable or undesirable, it is all coming from a habit that has been formed over a period of time. How does a person get hooked on alcohol or drugs and then begin an unhealthy and undesirable lifestyle?