Link Popularity: Improve your Search Engine Rankings

Written by Talita Kindermann

What is link popularity?

Link Popularity is simplyrepparttar total number of pages that link to your website. Most search engines, including Google, consider that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote of confidence forrepparttar 127738 other page. Therefore,repparttar 127739 likelihood of you beingrepparttar 127740 best source of information for their searchers is directly linked torepparttar 127741 number of votes you have. It is therefore safe to assume thatrepparttar 127742 higherrepparttar 127743 number of pages linking to your website,repparttar 127744 higher you will be ranked onrepparttar 127745 search engines. Link popularity has become a critical success factor for search engine optimization within popular search engines.

How does link popularity work?

Good link popularity is important because it can boost your rankings within search engines, increasingrepparttar 127746 number of visitors to your website. There are 3 important factors to keep in mind:


An incoming link is considered to be relevant if it relates to your web page. For example, if you sell office furniture online, relevant incoming links could include: furniture manufacturers, interior designers, competitors in other states or countries, etc.


Keywords makerepparttar 127747 relevancy of your site obvious torepparttar 127748 search engines. Make sure that incoming links containrepparttar 127749 keywords that best describe your site. For example: Brisbane Office Furniture Sales.

Powerful SEO Tools

Written by David A. Saharkhiz

Your time is valuable, so we'll cut torepparttar chase. There are a large number of excellent free tools onrepparttar 127737 internet to help you with your Search Engine Optimization campaigns, and an even larger number of useless ones.

Here you'll find a list of some ofrepparttar 127738 most powerful SEO tools available, all of them free and wildly useful in helping you increase traffic and link popularity.

Any good SEO needs to keep track of his or her keyword rankings, and an excellent resource is The site is completely ad-free and with a few clicks you can determine your search engine rankings in yahoo, google, and msn for any keyword across multiple datacenters.

Also featured is a backlink traffic tool to monitor link popularity.

If you are looking for an actively useful tool, one which will boost your traffic and SERPS, look no further than Shawn Hogan's ad network. This powerful tool allows you to share text or image links with webmasters and features a powerful number of options. Bigger sites get more weight, and you will share ad space with other webmasters. The service is free, andrepparttar 127739 SEO and traffic benefit is well worthrepparttar 127740 effort to set things up.

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