Lifetime Email Addresses

Written by Stephen Cope

Email addresses

All email addresses haverepparttar form name@domain-name. The domain-name is a name that is registered onrepparttar 109552 Internet, by yourself or by another company. Today it is common for all companies to register their own domain name and so all email addressed to that company would be addressed to someone@company-domain-name. For individuals it is common today to userepparttar 109553 domain name of your email provider, usually your ISP ,andrepparttar 109554 email hasrepparttar 109555 form you@ISP-domain-name. So if your name is John Doe and you have an email account with Yahoo, then your email address would

Email Addresses and email accounts

An email address is not an email account! You can have an email address and not an email account, in which case you would use email forwarding to forwardrepparttar 109556 email to an address that had an account. Without an email account you cannot access or store email. Email accounts are always linked to email addresses butrepparttar 109557 addresses are not always linked to email accounts. Addresses can and often are linked to other addresses (email forwarding). As an analogy assume you live at No 9 bridge road (your address) and your house ( account) gets destroyed in a storm. You decide not to rebuildrepparttar 109558 old house; as it wasn't very stable anyway, and you move to a new house at 20 King street. In order to get mail that was addressed to 9 bridge road to come to 20 king street you go to post office and arrange for you mail to be re-directed. You can continue for this arrangement for as long as you want, normally until you have notified everyone ofrepparttar 109559 change of address, but if your willing to pay you can do it for a lifetime. Theme based or Personalised email addresses Many companies offer email addresses (many free) with unusual domain names. Like or They can be very amusing and very easy to remember but maybe not an address for a lifetime. Lifetime email addresses Many of us userepparttar 109560 email accounts that come, usually free, with our ISP (Internet Service Provider) account. The problem with these type of email accounts is that you loose them if you change ISP orrepparttar 109561 ISP closes. Changing ISP is very common, for cost reasons or because you move locations etc. Lifetime email addresses are a great idea just like lifetime phone numbers. Unfortunatelyrepparttar 109562 definition of a lifetime varies! Usually if you no longer subscribe torepparttar 109563 particular service your lifetime email address comes torepparttar 109564 end of its life! My idea of a lifetime email address is an address that stays with me until I cease to exist and notrepparttar 109565 email provider! So how do you get a lifetime email address? and what methods are used to provide them.

Purchase an email account separate from your ISP

There are many companies offering email accounts that you purchase and can keep and use for a Lifetime form anywhere inrepparttar 109566 world. Many offer a variety of domain names to chose from and various email service like email forwarding web mail etc. The problem with this type of arrangement all hinge aroundrepparttar 109567 fact that you don't controlrepparttar 109568 email address and therefore must continue to maintain an account with them, if not your lifetime email address is over! So why wouldn't you continue to maintain an account with them? There a many reasons for wanting to change, such as: * Price increases * Service is not of sufficient standard In effect they are little different from ISP email accounts, except that they are non-geographic.

Lifetime Email Addresses part 3

Written by Stephen Cope

Checking Domain Name availability

Having decided on a domain name we now need to check its availability before we can register it. All registrars that can register a .name domain name also have a facility for checking its availablity. So to checkrepparttar availablity of your domain name go to either any ofrepparttar 109551 .name registrars a complete list is available here:

Before you Purchase

If you check on one or two ofrepparttar 109552 registrars above you will notice that there can be a great variance in price. The most logical choice is to chooserepparttar 109553 cheapest. Before you choose you should be aware that on its own a domain name is not of much use so please read on.

Domain names-Email Addresses and Websites.

A domain name is an address. A domain name is not a mailbox or a website! Once you've purchased a domain name you need to link it to a website and/or mailbox. So when purchasing a domain name from a registrar you need to find out if it includes any ofrepparttar 109554 following inrepparttar 109555 price or are they extra. a) website and/or email forwarding b) website hosting c) pop3 mailboxes and/or webmail.

To access email sent to your email address you will either need to forward that email to an existing address or have it sent directly to a mailbox. This was discussed in part 1 available at my websites see below.

Email Forwarding

This isrepparttar 109556 same technique as is used in standard mail forwarding when you move house. Letters addressed to your old address are forwarded on to your new address. The main difference is that with normal mailrepparttar 109557 forwarding is usually temporary (i.e. 3-6 months), whereas in email you could do it for as long as you want. So as an example my new lifetime email address is and I have an existing hotmail account of I arrange that any email sent to is forwarded on to


Email is stored on a email server in mailboxes. The mailbox is in effectrepparttar 109558 physical storage equivalent to a physical mailbox for letters. The mailbox is in turn linked to an email address or addresses. It is very common to have email from multiple email addresses forwarded to a single mailbox for storage and access. The address is notrepparttar 109559 mailbox andrepparttar 109560 mailbox is notrepparttar 109561 address, they are different. To read email in your mailbox you need to accessrepparttar 109562 mailbox using appropriate email software


Almost all email onrepparttar 109563 internet is currently retrieved usingrepparttar 109564 POP3 Protocol using an email client like Outlook Express, Incredimail, Eudora. Because POP3 isrepparttar 109565 most common method of retrieving email you often seerepparttar 109566 term POP3 mailbox being used. With POP3repparttar 109567 email is usually moved fromrepparttar 109568 server and placed onrepparttar 109569 client machine.

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