Life is a Continuous Prayer

Written by Catherine Franz

Life is a Continuous Prayer

Payer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often than we think.

Place yourself in your car. See yourself driving along. You see a green light and think, "Please don't change yet." Well, guess what, you just said a prayer.

When you hug a friend, that’s a prayer. Whenever you hug your children, that’s your prayer for them and they you. A sharing prayer has extra vibrations.

When you cook something to nourish yourself, friends or family, that’s your prayer to them and even yourself. You're prayingrepparttar dinner comes out right, praying that your husband doesn't bring up "that" same ole subject again. When you go out to eat with friends, you pray for a good time.

When you entertain, you pray people show up, and on time. You prayrepparttar 130172 food appeals to them. Towardsrepparttar 130173 end of entertaining, when you're tired, you're prayingrepparttar 130174 guests will leave soon. And when you say good night to them, you send them off with, "Drive safely," or "Be safe." That’s a prayer too.

When you shower andrepparttar 130175 warmth ofrepparttar 130176 water tinglesrepparttar 130177 sensations in your skin, your body says a prayer. It’s no different when you drink water to hydrate your body.

When you're helping someone in need--giving your time, energy, or money. You are giving a prayer and answering one atrepparttar 130178 same time.

When you washrepparttar 130179 car, you are saying prayers. The first one might be, “I hope this doesn't take too long” or “It’s going to be nice to drive a clean car.” Even later you can hear yourself, “I hope it doesn't rain.” Again, prayers.

10 Barriers to Clear Perception and Smart Choices (which EQ can remedy)

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Consultant

"Everything is self-evident,” said Rene Descartes, mathematician and philosopher.

Everything is self-evident if you have high emotional intelligence and are good at reality-testing. If you’re clouded with emotions, stuck inrepparttar past, inflexible, inauthentic, or inept at verbal and nonverbal communication, alas, everything is not self-evident.

When you develop your emotional intelligence, andrepparttar 130170 ability to understand and manage your emotions and those of others, you see things clearly. You can avoidrepparttar 130171 following pitfalls to accurate perception and smart choices:

1. How you WISH things were. 2. How you think things SHOULD be. 3. Believing that how things have always been inrepparttar 130172 past isrepparttar 130173 way they are now, and ever will be. 4. Assumptions about situations in-the-moment which seem atrepparttar 130174 surface level to be similar to experiences and people inrepparttar 130175 past. Assumptions always need to be checked out. 5. Your persona or inauthentic, unintegrated self, which shifts according to mood, emotion, person and situation leaving you without compass or anchor. 6. Your ability to delude yourself because of lack of self-knowledge. 7. Self-sabotaging because of lack of self-knowledge, self-management and low EQ. 8. Fear, anger, jealousy and other strong emotions which distort thinking. 9. Hearing what you WANT to hear or NEED to hear instead of what’s actually being said. Failing to take into accountrepparttar 130176 other person's nonverbal behavior. 10. Distortion from relying on other people’s perceptions of reality and/or "catching" their emotions.

IN SUM: We are our emotions. They influence our perception of reality. The more you understand yourself and your own emotions,repparttar 130177 better you can understand their effect upon your perceptions of reality and manage them so you can make smart choices.

Emotional Intelligence, being able to process your emotions, means understanding which of your three brains is operating (reptilian, limbic or neocortex), and which brain[s] you need to be in. Emotions guide us and give us information, but sometimes we need to get torepparttar 130178 neocortex to makerepparttar 130179 decision. For instance, you may be angry and feel like hitting someone, but your “thinking brain” will tell you this isn’t a wise course of action. Byrepparttar 130180 same token, you may love someone (limbic) while your neocortex keeps giving you reasons not to.

The most important decisions generally need to be made with bothrepparttar 130181 heart andrepparttar 130182 mind.

Here are some examples.


If you strongly desire to likerepparttar 130183 person you’re dealing with, or if you have a need to like them, you may miss what’s actually going on. This is what’s happened when you hear someone repeat an anecdote, saying, “He did [something mean] BUT HE’S REALLY A NICE PERSON.” It’s clear to yourepparttar 130184 person mentioned is NOT “a nice person,” because nice people don’t do things like that, and you wonder howrepparttar 130185 person telling yourepparttar 130186 anecdote can be so mislead.

Another good example is one I read on a Russian bride website. It was giving advice torepparttar 130187 male suitors re: such important factors as wanting or not wanting to have children. They cautioned that becauserepparttar 130188 need ofrepparttar 130189 Russian woman to come torepparttar 130190 US might be so strong, she would deluderepparttar 130191 man, because she had truly deluded herself. She would say whatrepparttar 130192 man wanted to hear even if she didn’t mean it.

How do you guard yourself against such disillusionment? High EQ, time, reflection, feedback, intuition, and understanding people and their emotions.


This can happen whenrepparttar 130193 outcome is very important to you. If it’s with a loved one, you may fear rejection or loss and therefore your emotions interfere with what you’re hearing. Someone who’s been rejected a lot, for instance, will read things into what they’re hearing, finding rejection in places where it doesn’t exist.

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