Life Insurance Beneficiaries

Written by Tim Gorman

Naming a beneficiary for your life insurance policy can be a difficult decision to make, not to mention a tricky procedure. A person needs to researchrepparttar different types of beneficiaries andrepparttar 144873 different ways to go.

In naming a life insurance beneficiary, a person should always specifically name and individual or organization and staterepparttar 144874 proceeds go torepparttar 144875 beneficiary.

Multiple beneficiaries may also be another option to your life insurance policy. There is no limit torepparttar 144876 number of beneficiaries on a life insurance policy. But, again, they need to be specifically named andrepparttar 144877 proceeds that they are to receive are to be indicated onrepparttar 144878 policy.

A contingent beneficiary isrepparttar 144879 person to whom a person bequeaths their assets to inrepparttar 144880 event that their primary beneficiary also dies. It is extremely important to ad a contingent beneficiary to your life insurance policy. If there is not one named andrepparttar 144881 primary beneficiary does die, allot of unnecessary taxes and fees will be charges to your estate.

The need for Life Insurance

Written by Tim Gorman

A person needs to reexamine their life insurance needs every few years because as our life events change so do our needs.

When starting a family, a person needs to consider starting a life insurance policy. Inrepparttar event that death occurs to one ofrepparttar 144872 parents, there needs to be some insurance that money will be there to help raise and supportrepparttar 144873 rest ofrepparttar 144874 family. When buying a home, life insurance needs to be considered or reexamined, as well. If a spouse should die, it is important to know thatrepparttar 144875 other spouse could payrepparttar 144876 mortgage and bills.

Getting a new job is another life event that requires some thought about life insurance. Most companies that provide health insurance, offer a life insurance policy to their employees as well. It is a great place to startrepparttar 144877 life insurance policy.

Lets talk about retirement. So many people rely on their 401(K), mutual funds and IRA's to survive after retirement. Inrepparttar 144878 event thatrepparttar 144879 spouse dies before they retire,repparttar 144880 other spouse would loserepparttar 144881 salary plusrepparttar 144882 retirement benefits, as well. Life Insurance would not only be beneficial in this life event, but crucial.

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