Life! In Grandfather's Kitchen

Written by Kathryn E. Ryan

Life! In Grandfather's Kitchen By Kathryn Ryan Every morning when I sniff coffee grains, memories of my grandfather inrepparttar kitchen flood my mind. He was what I refer to as a coffee connoisseur. Every morning at 6:00 a.m.repparttar 126858 percolator was onrepparttar 126859 front burner. He was loyal to his daily routine which, besides his coffee, included a hearty breakfast, a couple of chapters from his favorite western, and a few Bible verses. Morning was his most cherished time ofrepparttar 126860 day, whenrepparttar 126861 kitchen was his and his alone. Engraved in my memory is an effigy of him, like something out of a Norman Rockwel painting. A warm glow emanates throughoutrepparttar 126862 kitchen as its window greetsrepparttar 126863 east. Wild birds cast fleeting shadows uponrepparttar 126864 floor and their chatter comes and goes. How utterly delighted they sound in adoration ofrepparttar 126865 sun as though it's given them sanction to live another day. Steam exhales fromrepparttar 126866 percolator each timerepparttar 126867 liquid caffeine explodes intorepparttar 126868 glass knob. Comparable to a steam engine fighting up and incline, it mechanically works its aroma intorepparttar 126869 air. Like a snake, bacon hisses fromrepparttar 126870 frying pan asrepparttar 126871 grease gives an unanticipated snap now and then. In an even smaller pan onrepparttar 126872 back burner, two bulging yokes, lightly sprinkled with pepper stare up atrepparttar 126873 ceiling. Inrepparttar 126874 midst of all this,repparttar 126875 spry elderly gentleman projects his habitual little chants, "'s ready." and "Yupp...bacon and eggs too." As he manages aboutrepparttar 126876 room, friendly little creaks fromrepparttar 126877 floor answer in response. With a jack-in-the-box greeting,repparttar 126878 toast springs from its slots. "Oh...gotta get it while it's hot." He scurries acrossrepparttar 126879 room to butter his toast.

False Prophets

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Being warned of false prophets, little is taught about what a false prophet is. The Bible does not support prophets competing to unveil scripture in hopes of reward. The last time I checked, prophets heard directly from God; whether by dreams, visions, or God's voice; leaving no guess work in their message.

A professed prophet said, "I believerepparttar white horse could be a flying saucer." God saysrepparttar 126857 white horse's rider is called Faithful and True (Re. 19:11). Do you really think he would be driving a flying saucer?

The black horse must mean something really evil, right? Scripture saysrepparttar 126858 horses representrepparttar 126859 four spirits ofrepparttar 126860 heavens (Ze. 6:5).

A heifer can answerrepparttar 126861 riddle. Can an animal do that?

What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle. Judges 14:18 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions. 2 Samuel 1:23 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

One announced, "We have finally figured it out! The twinkling of an eye is 15,000 millimeters of a second." Did that make your eye twinkle? It didn't mine either.

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