Let’s Talk about Probate

Written by Jeffrey Broobin

Below is a discussion of how to handle probate.

First of all, what is probate? We’ve heard various things about probate and we are pretty sure that it deals with court matters that involve our property. We generally know that probate is something that happens after we die and it’s a negative experience because it is expensive and it takes a lot of time. True,repparttar two main problems with probate are that it can take up to a year to accomplish its own goals (not ours) and it is an expensive purchase of attorney advice and court costs when it may not be necessary at all.

In fact, it usually serves no real purpose except thatrepparttar 110581 attorneys who defend it claim that it controls fraud in dividing up property owned by a deceased person and that it handlesrepparttar 110582 claims of creditors fairly. Consider though, that inrepparttar 110583 usual case, there will probably be no major creditor claims andrepparttar 110584 property will go to a small group of family members.

This is what happens in probate. The attorney may make a couple of court appearances but most probablyrepparttar 110585 case will be handled by mail. Your attorney will charge you a fee for taking care of this (as high as 5% ofrepparttar 110586 estate), even though most probate cases do not require any special lawyerly skills like drafting of documents,repparttar 110587 ability to resolve conflicts or fight for you in court, or perform any extensive legal research, since usually there is no fight going on and thus no need for a court appearance. What is necessary isrepparttar 110588 filling out of forms and filing them atrepparttar 110589 right time, a job usually performed byrepparttar 110590 attorney’s secretary.

Daisies ~ A story about life

Written by Candee Stark

"I love daisies too," she told him several nights after they first met. She wasn't sure why she blurted it out but it seemedrepparttar normal thing to say consideringrepparttar 110580 conversation they were having.

They were talking about "favorite things"repparttar 110581 way you do when you are trying to get to know someone. Small talk that keepsrepparttar 110582 conversation flowing:

"My favorite color is green, 18 is my lucky number, and my favorite food is pizza." When she jokingly asked if he had a favorite flower he replied, "Nope, but my mom loves daisies." She brightened up immediately because daisies have long been one of her favorites and she was impressed that he knew what type of flower his mother likedrepparttar 110583 best.

They began to spend more and more time with each other until their relationship seemed like a night in August; hot and steamy. Before long wedding bells rang andrepparttar 110584 happy couple started their lives together as man and wife.

He loved to bring flowers home, usually roses but occasionally he would bring home mixed flowers or carnations. He never needed a holiday or special occasion, he did it because her expression never changed, she was always genuinely surprised by his thoughtfulness.

As with many marriages, it wasn't long before their home was filled withrepparttar 110585 cries of a baby; a baby boy named after his father. Many floral arrangements were sent torepparttar 110586 happy mother to celebraterepparttar 110587 birth of her child, including two dozen long stemmed roses with a card that read, "Thank you for our son, I will always love you!"

The baby grew up quickly and before his parents could believe it, he was celebrating his fifth birthday. Onrepparttar 110588 day of his birthday,repparttar 110589 father pulled his son aside before his party started to have a "father~son" talk with him.

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