Let the Change-Leader that YOU become , be the GREATNESS that's within YOU

Written by DJ and Stephanie

As a being of power, intelligence, and love, andrepparttar lord of his own thoughts, men/women holdsrepparttar 115582 key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he/she may make himself/herself what he/she wills.

It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women torepparttar 115583 discovery and perception ofrepparttar 115584 truth that--

"They themselves are makers of themselves"

Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained,men and women can find every truth connected with his/her being, if he/she will dig deep intorepparttar 115585 mine of his/her soul. That he/she isrepparttar 115586 maker of his/her character,repparttar 115587 molder of his/her life, andrepparttar 115588 builder of his/her destiny, he/she may unerringly prove, if he/she will watch, control, and alter his/her thoughts, tracing their effects upon himself/herself, upon others and upon his/her life and circumstances, linking cause and effect by patient practice and investigation. " As a Man thinketh "

Our mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will bring forth.I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction.

The power of ambition turns eager desires into reality, giving yourepparttar 115589 inner drive to increase your salary ... achieve financial security ... lead a happier, more fulfilling life ... and enrichrepparttar 115590 lives of everyone around you. If you want something that you never had be prepared to do something that you never did, Yes thats it exactly.

THE "FRIENDLY" BACTERIA Necessary To Health!

Written by Lena Sanchez

THE "FRIENDLY" BACTERIA Necessary To Health! © By Lena Sanchez

Yes, there is a friendly and necessary bacterium required to stay health. Let me tell you a true story.

17 years ago, my 2 year-old grandson had been having diarrhea for weeks and nothing seemed to stop it. The doctor had given prescriptions and a diet that wasn't touching it. After two weeks of diarrhea it had became watery and blood tinged making my grandson one tired and cranky little boy as his system was unable to absorb nutrients from his food or vitamins. One day a dietitian friend was visiting us while I had my grandson forrepparttar weekend and I told him how perplexed I was at what to do for this child. My friend, said to give him a glass of acidophilus milk and it will clear it up. He went on to explain thatrepparttar 115581 system was devoid of friendly bacteria namely lactobacillus among others and acidophilus milk hadrepparttar 115582 friendly bacteria. I told him my grandson was allergic to milk but he informed me that even people allergic to milk can takerepparttar 115583 acidophilus milk without a problem…

After giving my grandson a glass ofrepparttar 115584 milk he was fine within a few hours.

That grandson had chronic ear infections fromrepparttar 115585 age of 9 months until he had tubes put in his ears atrepparttar 115586 age of five and was on antibiotics off and onrepparttar 115587 whole four and something years, which killed offrepparttar 115588 friendly bacteria and made it necessary to add probiotics to his system on a weekly basis. He is now a healthy 19-year old college student getting straight 4.0 average!

Asrepparttar 115589 years went by I came across adults inrepparttar 115590 medical Offices where I worked that were havingrepparttar 115591 same problem and I prescribedrepparttar 115592 same treatment, behindrepparttar 115593 doctors back, and miraculous things happened for them as well.

Atrepparttar 115594 beginning of my learning about friendly bacteria It wasn't available for sale other thanrepparttar 115595 acidophilus milk. But inrepparttar 115596 last ten years friendly bacteria has become available in health food stores in tablet and capsule form, some will work well while others aren't as effective.

What isrepparttar 115597 "friendly" bacterium?

Acidophilus is actually a strain of bacteria, a beneficial one that naturally inhabitsrepparttar 115598 stomach and bowel, but a "germ" nonetheless. Despite its lineage, it can be helpful in a number of healthful situations, most of them involving digestion and bowel function. Whenrepparttar 115599 body fights germs they are usually expelled throughrepparttar 115600 bowels and/or urinary tract, therefore making it a necessity at that time to have a tip-top conditioned intestinal tract.

Yeast infections are a sign of way out of balance intestinal Flora! Balance it and yeast will scurry...

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