Let Your Subconscious Be Your Guide. Oh Really? Not!

Written by Richard Vegas

Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you ever feel like just sitting down and having an old fashioned pity party? Have you ever had that "woe is me" kind of predicament? Somebody said I guess I'm just like Job. Well guess what? Job got healed, and he got back all his earthly possessions and wealth. You can too. Discover how!

Read This Now, Believe It Later!

I want to introduce you torepparttar most important person you will ever meet. He is closer to you than your breath and knows you better than you think you know yourself. Let's call him your sub-conscious.

Your subconscious isrepparttar 123575 center of your being;repparttar 123576 very essence of who you are. The subconscious causes you to feel up, down, or sideways. And, sometimes causes people to hurt themselves. The subconscious is trainable; thank goodness it is.

This essence of your being is so important that everything that has ever happened to you is stored somewhere in its data banks. Some things are easy to call up, some things are not.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I feel bad when something goes wrong? Ask yourself, why do I feel good when something goes right? Is it "just because"? No! Is it, becauserepparttar 123577 circumstances surrounding you dictate how you are supposed to feel? Good circumstances=good feelings, bad circumstances=bad feelings?

A Blessing In Disguise!

This may be had to swallow, but, circumstances really have very little to do with how we feel. I want you to think about something. If you could changerepparttar 123578 circumstances right now, you would. Wouldn't you? But, in most cases we can't changerepparttar 123579 circumstances immediately. Time does that.

He's About One French Fry Short Of A Happy Meal!

The circumstances are going to change whenever they change. It might be a day, a week, a month. Whatever! So, if I can't changerepparttar 123580 circumstances right this second, can I make my subconscious think my bad circumstances are really good? Absolutely! Don't look at me like I flipped my lid.

Consider this:repparttar 123581 subconscious doesn't knowrepparttar 123582 difference between good circumstances and bad. Why should you care? Yes, I know you knowrepparttar 123583 difference, but, that's your conscious level that knowsrepparttar 123584 difference. Your feelings, i.e. emotions, are coming up fromrepparttar 123585 subconscious level whererepparttar 123586 most important person lives.

So, doesn't this make sense? As I said,repparttar 123587 subconscious does not knowrepparttar 123588 difference between truth and lie. The subconscious takes everything as truth. So, can we use this knowledge to re-wirerepparttar 123589 subconscious and cause those bad feelings to become good feelings?

The first thing you have to do is recognize that this is between you and your subconscious and no one else. This strategy is not something where you are going to have to take a lie detector and pass. The biggest hindrance to this, with most people, is getting overrepparttar 123590 feeling that they are being dishonest and lying to themselves.

Go Ahead, Stick Your Neck Out!

If you think that you are being dishonest, untruthful, and deceptive you will not attempt to re-wire your subconscious. If you don't re-wire it, you will continue to feel bad when things are bad and good when things are good.

Think about this: we have already determined that we can't always changerepparttar 123591 circumstances atrepparttar 123592 very moment we would like to. So, why does it really matter at all if I convince my subconscious that it doesn't ever have to feed me bad feelings in spite of whatrepparttar 123593 circumstances are?

Ok,repparttar 123594 circumstances are bad. And, I feel bad, but, why do I have to? Who says that it is a universal law to feel bad in bad times? I tell you this for certain; if you are going through bad times, your subconscious doesn't care. It doesn't know. It couldn't care less. I know you do, but that's your conscious level.

The Good Life -- 5 Simple Steps

Written by Miami Phillips

There are many ways and means to accomplish whatever you want done. However, I have found thatrepparttar most successful ways are so subtle and simple that they are usually overlooked. As I try to decide what projects to work on here at our horse farm, it is so very easy to become overwhelmed withrepparttar 123574 big picture. How can I build a barn that big? Where will allrepparttar 123575 money come from to pay for it? How do I clear 6 acres of land and turn it into pasture? And so on. Yesterday, as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, I took a rake and went out torepparttar 123576 pasture and spread piles of horse manure. Several wonderful things happened. First, I gotrepparttar 123577 manure spread, which helps fertilizerepparttar 123578 field, lowerrepparttar 123579 fly and insect population, and makes for less piles for us to step in! Secondly, I realized that this is great job for our four-year-old who will love knocking down those piles! The most important benefit was that I was able to very much enjoy just being inrepparttar 123580 pasture and making a contribution toward our ultimate goals. My mind was free to smellrepparttar 123581 unique odors of horse ranching andrepparttar 123582 outside air. I could listen torepparttar 123583 horses communicating,repparttar 123584 birds andrepparttar 123585 geese down byrepparttar 123586 lake, and watchrepparttar 123587 dog searching for whatever it is that dogs search for. In other words, I was able to takerepparttar 123588 time to be grateful for what is here and now. I completely stopped thinking aboutrepparttar 123589 future. And I got something done! We all want everything right now. The only problem with that is that when you get what you want, you are still hungry. There is something else to want! If you are not careful, you will go through life always hungry, but stuffed so full you are bloated! Metaphorically speaking that is!

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