Let Your Spirit Play!

Written by Sonia Choquette

Our Second charka or energy center isrepparttar seat of personal creativity and vitality. It governs our sexuality, sensuality, and vitality. It governs our sexuality, sensuality, and creative expression. When balanced it allows us to experiencerepparttar 128827 vibrancy and sweetness of life. When opened and balanced we appreciate good food, good sex, good friends, good times, andrepparttar 128828 good life. It isrepparttar 128829 conduit for our spirits to fully enjoyrepparttar 128830 magnificence ofrepparttar 128831 human experience.

The second charka isrepparttar 128832 one I see most commonly and profoundly collapsed in people. Even in my own life, it isrepparttar 128833 energy center that I, too, am most likely to ignore if I am having difficulty in keeping up with my daily responsibilities.

One ofrepparttar 128834 most natural ways to re-balance our vitality charka is to step off of our daily grind, slip out of our serious selves and engage in some lively, belly laughing play. Though playing sounds inviting, it is amazing how few of us actually remember how to play. And how it can even be frightening to others. During a recent workshop I invited allrepparttar 128835 participants to do a simple art project with crayons. One ofrepparttar 128836 students stepped up torepparttar 128837 front ofrepparttar 128838 room, looking terrified and blurted out, "I can't do this!" and burst into tears. My heart filled with compassion as I could tell that something as playful as coloring was more creative freedom than she had afforded herself in a very long time and it frightened her. In another workshop I invited allrepparttar 128839 participants to dance as a way to activate their creativity. Again a participant panicked as she ran up to me and said as if in pain, "This is too hard! I don't dance!" Looking in to her eyes I knew it was not that she didn't dance, or didn't want to dance but rather it was that she was ashamed to dance. She somehow had learned alongrepparttar 128840 way that dancing or playing was not OK.

SPIDER JONES: Heavyweight Champion of Inspiration

Written by Mike Parker - www.employmentnews.com

SPIDER JONES: Heavyweight Champion of Inspiration

By Mike Parker – www.employmentnews.com

Young Charles ‘Spider’ Jones was a boy with a dream. He wanted to be like his idol, Alan Freed,repparttar disc jockey credited with coiningrepparttar 128824 phrase ‘Rock & Roll’. Spider was out-going, friendly, and optimistic, possessingrepparttar 128825 desire to achieve his goal. Then he was hit by racism.

In school, racist attacks became an everyday occurrence. Spider’s confidence evaporated and his self-esteem plummeted. Spider gave up and dropped out of school. For years, Spider lived onrepparttar 128826 streets of Detroit running with a gang. He scrapped, stole, and was on a dead-end course that landed him in jail.

As he got older, Spider channelled his street smarts into boxing, ultimately winning three Golden Glove Championships. After boxing, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs, but learned quickly that he was once again stuck in a dead-end situation.

“When you haven’t got an education, employers will exploit you,” says Spider. “I decided that if I ever wanted to achieve my dream and provide a better life for my family, I had to getrepparttar 128827 education and skills.”

His boyhood dream was once again alive. At age 30, living in Toronto with his wife and four kids, Spider quit working and went back to school. Attending Seneca College, Spider encountered a whole new set of challenges. “It was frightening. Here I was, 30 years of age with a ton of street and ring smarts, and I was in classrooms with 19 year olds.”

The low self-esteem that had plagued Spider all his life returned, and he began to have doubts in his ability to finish school. “If it wasn’t forrepparttar 128828 support of professors and counsellors, I would not have made it torepparttar 128829 end.” Spider credits Alvin Curling, (current Speaker ofrepparttar 128830 Legislative Assembly of Ontario) thenrepparttar 128831 head of Student Services, for “believing in me and giving me reason to carry on.” Spider went on to earn two degrees in broadcasting.

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