Let Your People Shine

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided torepparttar author, and it appears withrepparttar 103587 included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required. Email him at eagibbs@ureach.com.

"The deepest principle in human nature isrepparttar 103588 craving to be appreciated", once stated William James,repparttar 103589 philosopher. As obvious as this fact seems, there are bosses who don't seem to realize that this applies to them andrepparttar 103590 people who work for them.

Some bosses cannot compliment their employees because they are just a little bit jealous. Other bosses like to playrepparttar 103591 role of being hard to impress. A few bosses are afraid to be too liberal with praise and recognition. One is as wrong asrepparttar 103592 other.

People crave attention and recognition for themselves and their work. Give it to them and watch a metamorphosis take place. They will turn their appreciation into acts of gratitude, acts of doing things correctlyrepparttar 103593 first time, not because they have to, but because they want to.

What does it take to satisfy your employees? It does not take much; all you have to do is ask them. When asked, they will give you many good ideas as to how you can enhancerepparttar 103594 motivational climate for them.

Global Communications and Offshore Company Formations

Written by Mike Dempsey

Withrepparttar advent of global communications come many opportunities to expand and enhance your business, never before have we hadrepparttar 103586 ability to do so much from so far. Modern communications methods and offsourcing are part and parcel of many businesses now days, however by utilise offshore companies to achieve that cutting edge advantage and produce opportunities conducive to maximizing profits, reducing taxes and protecting assets, many companies have found that being incorporated offshore is even easier and rewarding than ever before

Offshore Corporations are often used for vast array of activities including trade financing, profit upstreaming, holding assets, procurement of raw materials and tax minimization. Joint company ventures often use offshore companies whenrepparttar 103587 principals are from different countries and prefer to incorporate in a jurisdiction that is particularly favourable for low or zero taxation.

In many jurisdictions an offshore Company is recognized as an alien national and as such can confer a trade advantage or may help avoid a trade disadvantage. It can also be used as an integral part of a trust structure. The advent of on line incorporation technology means that companies in most jurisdictions can be incorporated online with very little effort and in many cases a very short period of time, sometimes as little as 24 hours.

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