Let James, Your Chauffeur, Take You There

Written by Abraham Thomas

Let James, Your Chauffeur, Take You There

You took James for granted. Actually, he was not very well known. But, recently, with a new view ofrepparttar mind, James became an important member ofrepparttar 144164 cast. In this view,repparttar 144165 mind was like a lightning streak, racing through many neural regions, surging through from input to output, within just 20 milliseconds. It saw, recognized, interpreted and acted. Inrepparttar 144166 blink of eye. According to The Intuitive Algorithm, (IA), a new book, this lightning response ofrepparttar 144167 mind was powered by intuition, a pattern recognition process. Myriad processes converted light, sound, touch and smell instantly into your nerve impulses. A special region recognized those impulses as objects and events. The limbic system, another region, interpreted those events to generate emotions. A fourth region responded to those emotions with actions. The mind perceived, identified, evaluated and acted. So,repparttar 144168 scream followedrepparttar 144169 eerie shadow, in a fraction of a second.

Action wasrepparttar 144170 response to an emotion. If fear was generated,repparttar 144171 action sought safety. A deer bounded away. A bird took flight. A fish swam off. The frenzied escape ofrepparttar 144172 animals were managed by James,repparttar 144173 invisible chauffeur, a subconscious intelligence. Considerrepparttar 144174 challenges before James. Escape was hardly possible by heading intorepparttar 144175 predator. Below conscious levels, James remembered, evaluated and instantly choserepparttar 144176 best of multiple escape routes to increase distance from danger. Evenrepparttar 144177 safety ofrepparttar 144178 underside of a rock was an option. James even managed many components of your actions. He responded instantly, when you responded to emotions, such as sorrow, or humor. James managedrepparttar 144179 racking sobs of sorrow, orrepparttar 144180 relaxing movements of a belly laugh.

For IA,repparttar 144181 wisdom and folly of ofrepparttar 144182 mind were powered by nerve cells, which remembered and recognized. Millions of years of neural memories powered that streak of lighting. Science suggested participation byrepparttar 144183 supplementary motor area,repparttar 144184 premotor area andrepparttar 144185 basal ganglia inrepparttar 144186 subconscious processes, managed by James. His wisdom enabled animals to survive. James helped them to forage, feed and reproduce. He even guided birds to build nests, selecting secure locations and suitable materials. James even placed limits on your will. Normally, while alone in your room, your will could raise your hand. But, at other times, James ignored your will and your hand remained frozen in place. He did that if you wished to raise your hand, say, when sitting in a theater. Because that was not proper. The wisdom of James had decidedrepparttar 144187 issue, faster than you could think.

While James often overruled you, it was nice to know that he was a powerful ally in life. James searched your memory, when you sat down to write a shopping list. He deliveredrepparttar 144188 list, so you could jot it down. Those subconscious searches were creative. Konrad Lorenz described a chimpanzee in a room, which contained a banana suspended fromrepparttar 144189 ceiling just out of reach, and a box elsewhere. After much visible restlessness,repparttar 144190 animal suddenly brightened, and joyfully movedrepparttar 144191 box belowrepparttar 144192 banana, climbed up and reached for it. That breakthrough idea was not generated by an act of will byrepparttar 144193 chimp. It was James, who discoveredrepparttar 144194 solution. “No man watching him could doubtrepparttar 144195 existence of a genuine 'Aha' experience in anthropoid apes.” Lorenz wrote. That creative experience resulted fromrepparttar 144196 search of context by James.

Five Reasons To Journal

Written by Lael Johnson

Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service

Keeping a journal duringrepparttar coaching process is one ofrepparttar 144130 most simple and effective aids a client can use.  Below you will find five reasons why I encourage my clients to use a journal during their coaching time. I hope that you will be motivated to commit your creative pursuits to a journal.   REINFORCES SELF-ESTEEM:  When artists share their work, they share some part of themselves to their audience. For some artists, performing or displaying their art comes easily. They have confidence, courage andrepparttar 144131 requisite skill to handle both success and rejection of their art.  When an artist moves into that place,repparttar 144132 focus switches to what’s happening insiderepparttar 144133 artist, rather than what’s happening torepparttar 144134 art. It takes time to separate personal issues from past experience, creativity and business issues.   Journaling facilitates this change in between coaching sessions.   AIDS IN PROBLEM-SOLVING: A journal provides space to work out problems in detail.  The client can spell outrepparttar 144135 situation, examinerepparttar 144136 pros and cons, percolate overrepparttar 144137 material and come to a final informed decision. The client can also discover information gaps, ask questions and share concerns, that may also lead to further research.

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