Let It Be

Written by Sibyl McLendon

Let It Be By Sibyl McLendon

One ofrepparttar most difficult things that we have to learn is to just Let It Be. When life gets tricky, when there is something that we really, really want, when difficult challenges crop up our first inclination as humans is to grab on and worry it like a dog with a bone. We try to force things in order to achieve what it is that we want. We push and we manipulate to makerepparttar 123599 outcome be what we desire it to be.

How many times have you viewed a difficult time as a lesson that you needed to learn, and then allowed things to unfold naturally? Even ifrepparttar 123600 unfolding was painful, did you simply let things flow to their conclusion, learn what there was to be learned from it, release it and move on? It isn’t easy, is it?

One ofrepparttar 123601 most profound quotes I have ever heard isrepparttar 123602 one for AA: “God grant merepparttar 123603 serenity to acceptrepparttar 123604 things I cannot change,repparttar 123605 courage to changerepparttar 123606 things I can, andrepparttar 123607 wisdom to knowrepparttar 123608 difference.” If everyone could learn to follow this sage advicerepparttar 123609 world would be a much better, and a very different place.

The most profound part of that quote is “…the wisdom to knowrepparttar 123610 difference.” Some things are infinitely changeable, but some things are not. When presented with a situation (or person) that you can’t change, repeated attempts to do so is what I liken to banging your head against a stone wall. It is pointless and painful, and it feels so good when you stop! The intelligent thing to do when confronted with this is to Let It Be.

If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride!

Written by Richard Vegas

And if Bull frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their little rear-end when they landed. Don't makerepparttar mistake of thinking that rushing all overrepparttar 123598 place you are being your most productive self. Don't makerepparttar 123599 mistake of thinking that when you take time out for thought you are wasting your time. All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy, but, quality time in thought can turn your wishes into diamonds.

As Plain As Black And White!

It has been said; if you invest one percent of your time in study, thinking and planning, you will make an amazing difference inrepparttar 123600 speed with which you reach your goals.

Everyday has 1440 minutes in it. Invest one percent of that time everyday in study, thinking and planning and you will be amazed at what those fourteen minutes can do for you.

Developing this daily habit will bring you ideas and solutions not just when you are in your study time, but, almost anywhere. You could be walking downrepparttar 123601 street, or giving a speech. You could be singing inrepparttar 123602 shower or cleaning a dirty diaper. Yuk.

Now, pay attention: "Goals", are not wishes. Wings don't belong on Bull frogs and beggars can't be choosers. And, you are not going to achieve your goals by wishes, or begging, or, lying around and licking your wounds. Goals are accomplished by takingrepparttar 123603 bull byrepparttar 123604 horn and wrestling that rascal torepparttar 123605 ground.

Easy As ABC!

How do you do that? There are three things you need to do. (1), you need to writerepparttar 123606 goal down. (2), Aim your sights high. And, (3), Create a deadline.

Writingrepparttar 123607 goal down gives it purpose and clarity. You got to know what you're going after or else how will you know if you ever get it? Writingrepparttar 123608 goal down also will make an impression on your memory. As an idea comes to our minds, that we have an interest in, we tend to analyzerepparttar 123609 thought with our "thinker cap", and determine if we can achieve it.

Ifrepparttar 123610 idea has merit, we continue to analyze till we either find ourselves blowing and going like a locomotive, or fizzling out like a wet fuse. You will always find yourself pursuing energetically, something that has made an indelible impression on your mind.

Just Between You And Me And The Fence Post!

If it hasn't made that kind of impression, then you will not findrepparttar 123611 kind of fire in your desire that you need to go for broke. Your goals will still be like that stupid bull frog that wishes he had wings. Now, obviously, going broke is not what you want to happen. But,repparttar 123612 attitude is what is important. Aim your sights high. It takes no more effort to aim high and accept prosperity, abundance, peace, health, life; than it does to settle for misery and poverty and small potatoes. Now, no one has ever achieved one hundred percent of all their goals. But, why settle for a pig in a poke.

The problem comes where we aim so low that we accomplish that goal with relative ease, and then, whenrepparttar 123613 goal is accomplished, we realize all we got was this great looking slick bull frog, butrepparttar 123614 sucker's got no wings.

Now, at that moment, we're not thinking, now wait a minute! This sucker doesn't fly because I set my sights so low, that I became over confident, and reeled that bad boy in like a pro. Our great accomplishment just doesn't seem to satisfy and something seems lacking.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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