Lessons From The Bathroom Sink

Written by Liz Sumner, MA Life Coach

Allrepparttar great philosophers must have been plumbers. The work seems to lend itself to powerful insights. Plumbers unstoprepparttar 123578 blockages and get everything flowing. They plungerepparttar 123579 depths and get rid of allrepparttar 123580 crap. Who better to pass along pithy rules of life?

I tackled a leaky sinkrepparttar 123581 other day. I'd been toleratingrepparttar 123582 drip for months. It took me so long because I didn't know how to go about starting. I'd made halfhearted attempts to ask at various hardware stores but I didn't provide enough information for them to help me so they were useless. I took this to mean that they were rotten sob's and vowed never to shop there again.

I don't know what changed to makerepparttar 123583 task suddenly seem doable and essential. It was almost like catching a wave of energy. All I know is that I woke up one morning ready to fixrepparttar 123584 leak.

So I turned torepparttar 123585 wonderful internet--repparttar 123586 source of all knowledge, and searched on "How to fix a leaky faucet." I got exactly what I needed and thus my philosophical adventure began. Here's what I learned:

1. The source ofrepparttar 123587 problem is generally not where it appears to be. Did you know that when a faucet is leakingrepparttar 123588 leak isn't coming fromrepparttar 123589 faucet but fromrepparttar 123590 handles? It makes perfect sense. It's whererepparttar 123591 work is done. I would have started trying to apply a solution torepparttar 123592 symptom instead of getting torepparttar 123593 heart ofrepparttar 123594 matter. Learn something new every day.

2. Even when at first it looks as though you can't go any further you have to keep at something to find resolution. I only partially understood my internet instructions, and it's not my style to comprehend something fully before I start messing with it, so I started unscrewing whatever looked unscrewable without any idea what a packing nut, valve stem, or stem spindle was. I got to a point without obvious moving parts and figured okay this is it. That thing there might be a washer. Let's go with that. First trip torepparttar 123595 hardware store.

3. There is no shame in ignorance when you're trying something new, and you will not die of embarrassment when you make a mistake. I have to admit I was tempted to scramble for a lie whenrepparttar 123596 guy asked me what I thought this item was. It was so clear from his expression that I'd made an error. It was not in fact a washer but some spacer thing. He showed me examples of what I was really looking for. I got back in my car, took deep breaths, thought it was unlikely that they were having a big laugh at my expense but whatrepparttar 123597 hell. I was doing my best. I presciently told myself that maybe I'd make several more trips back and forth (25 minutes each way) before it was done and that was fine.

Goals . . . or Dreams

Written by Darlene Styers

Goals . . . or Dreams? Copyright © Darlene Styers 2003

As told by my mother, my dolls began going to Business College and having Big Church Weddings atrepparttar time I was about 3 years of age.

You may not find that so strange, but let me finishrepparttar 123577 story . . . I grew up in a very poor family. My father was a share cropper on a cotton farm in Southeast Missouri.

No one in my family - - not a brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle - - nobody - - had ever gone to school past High school, and nobody had ever even attended a Big Church Wedding. Nobody had any idea where these terms came from! I don't know either.

My mother supported me in my dreams. My father objected intensely. It was just unheard of for a young lady to leave those cotton fields and go torepparttar 123578 big city.

Those dreams dominated my life. Everything I did even as a child was directed by my dream. There was no money to pay tuition for Business College and my father knew that, BUT . . . I did not accept it. When not working in repparttar 123579 cotton fields due to weather conditions, I worked in a department store in town. That money went into my bank account which I had for as long as I can remember.

Every penny I could earn went into my bank account to save towards paying school tuition. I helped my mother with her sale of fresh eggs and we quietly placed that money into my bank account.

My Senior class went on a Trip to St. Louis. That cost money which would be needed for tuition. I wasrepparttar 123580 only Senior that did not make that trip. Just one example of what priorities can do.

You probably getrepparttar 123581 picture . . . I did go to Business College in Memphis. I had a Big Church Wedding. And my life proceeded.

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