Open-container bill wouldn’t make roads safer, but it would make life more difficult for drivers--
It’s a good thing that
current open-container bill wasn’t law when I was a newspaper reporter. One of our photographers could have unwittingly broken
law as we covered a story.
We joined two hilarious volunteers, a lawyer and a funeral-home director, for
city-wide cleanup. Their mission: To become real garbagemen. They debated what to do with goopy trash bags they dubbed radioactive (“Real garbagemen aren’t afraid of nuclear waste.”) They poked fun at other volunteers (“Real garbagemen don’t have clean gloves.”)
Soon, their truck was heaping with trash. Then they saw another bag.
“Real garbagemen don’t drive past garbage,”
passenger told
The passenger jumped out of
truck and grabbed
bag. He couldn’t wedge it into
truck bed, so he opened
car door of
photographer who was following them. He tossed
bag on her front-seat floor.
open-container bill – House Bill 1057 – if there was just one empty beer can or bourbon bottle inside that bag, she could be ticketed.
It doesn’t matter that she was sober. It doesn’t matter that someone else put
bag there without her consent. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t know
bag’s contents. It doesn’t matter that she was hauling away litter. It doesn’t matter that her employer would have been tougher than any officer if she had been drinking while she was working.
All that matters under this bill is if there’s an open alcohol container in
passenger compartment.
Once again, our legislature is leading us into
Land of Unintended Consequences because it lacks
sense and
guts to do
right thing, which is nothing.
Too bad. They had been holding firmly against this legislation long sought by
federal government.
The federal government has extorted Hoosiers to
tune of $20 million a year of highway taxes that our drivers have paid, just because it doesn’t like Indiana’s highway law. Never mind that pesky 10th Amendment, which says that powers not specifically designated by
U.S. Constitution belong to