Leave A Message, Please.

Written by Terri Seymour

Networking is a great way to build your online business and message boards are some ofrepparttar best places for networking. Not only can you advertise your business (if allowed), you can learn more about marketing, promotion or whatever subject pertains to your business. Message boards are also a great way to establish yourself as an expert and to build yourself a good reputation. Relationships, business and personal can also start from contacts made on message boards. When posting to message boards, there are a few things you should remember.

1. Do not spam! A lot of message boards do not allow blatant advertising, but do allow sigtags. Make sure you read all rules carefully before posting. There are message boards that allow advertising of any kind, however these are not very useful as far as networking or learning anything of value.

2. Do not flame! Message boards are a means for people to express different opinions and ideas. You should never insult anybody because they do not agree with your point of view. This is one way for you to lose all credibility for your business and your reputation.

3. Do participate inrepparttar 121669 discussions! You definitely want to get involved inrepparttar 121670 discussions and make yourself known. Answer questions whenever possible and give advice. People will come to respect you as an expert in your field and trust what you say.

It's a Free e-World

Written by Richard Wall

Read this article and I'll give you 109 Killer Reports on Internet marketing! Yes 109 FREE bonus reports just for reading this article!

Does that sound familiar?

Internet marketers have gone 'free mad'. Freebies have their rightful place inrepparttar online marketing bag of tricks: 'subscribe to my Ezine and I'll give you a free eBook' and 'order this and I'll give you a bonus product' are often used to great effect. However, many Internet marketers seem to have 'lostrepparttar 121668 plot.'

If you have a sensibly priced product with a money-back guarantee, do you really need to pack in 10 'bonus products' to sell it?

I nearly added another eBook to my library last week. My cursor was hovering onrepparttar 121669 'Order Now' button but I decided not to click. Guess what put me off? Too expensive? No,repparttar 121670 price was fine. Not enough freebies? No. There were too MANY freebies and byrepparttar 121671 time I got to reading about how 'Bonus #9' would change my life, I'd lost interest inrepparttar 121672 eBook I was about to buy. My state of mind had shifted from enthusiastic to suspicious.

The perceived value ofrepparttar 121673 eBook I was about to buy got lower as more and more bonus products were added torepparttar 121674 deal.

Imagine an offline retailer, who normally sells a chocolate bar for 50 cents, with a special offer: '3 bars forrepparttar 121675 price of 2.' Or a travel agent with an offer on a vacation: 'book today and get 20% discount.' The offline marketing world is full of deals and offers - because they work. And of course, they work online too.

But what would you think ifrepparttar 121676 retailer had said: 'buy this chocolate bar today for 50 cents and I'll give you 5 bonus products: a cigarette, some gum, 2 paper clips, last month's free ads newspaper and a comb'? You'd think he was out of his mind - all you wanted was a chocolate bar.

Onrepparttar 121677 Internet - at least atrepparttar 121678 home-based entrepreneur end ofrepparttar 121679 market - an unwritten law seems to have crept in which says that to getrepparttar 121680 sale you need to bundle in lots of free products.

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